Source Code

Jay gunning

A term commonly referred to as a a massive Artificial intelligence looking as fool who cant catch for shit

Definition "cant catch a jay gunning

in my ass "

by Erindelanyyyyyyy March 29, 2023

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A beautiful, happy, loving princess with an attitude. The one that will make your heart melt but your blood boil all at the same time! The one that you wish was your's.

Shes deffinatly a maci-jai, i wouldn't change her for the world.

by TheFemaleBoss June 22, 2014

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Jay Murugan

A guy who will always be on the phone with his girlfriend or otherwise known as rollecall

Stop being a Jay Murugan you fucking cunt

by #Themast3r# October 3, 2017

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Jay Dubbed

A Hot steamy shit on a womens chest

Damn, John i heard you jay dubbed that bitch

by Mr. Billman-Gollemme June 18, 2009

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Jay ram

A beast that loves to climb trees and amazons in the woods and wilderness.

Friend: "Look at that beast over there climbing trees in the woods."
Other friend: "Woah! I have never seen anything like it. Iwonder what species that is."
Friend: "From the way it looks, it must be a Jay ram!"
Other friend: "With that speed, i bet it likes to climb amazons too."

by FitLife24/7 May 20, 2017

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Jai Hoe

Anyone with excessive love for Slumdog Millionaire

omg i think slumdog millionaire is like the best movie ever!!!

...jai hoe!

by Ragz01 March 15, 2009

23๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


He's an overrated rapper but he's not wack .He's a good buisness man (like Puffy)but U can't compare him to neither of the best rapper(2pac,Biggie.NaS,Rakim).He maybe had alot of commercial succes but that doesn't mean a rapper is good.Look at Illmatic not alot of commercial succes but one of the best album.Yeah he switched to a more pop style,but you've got to look a the best of Jay-Z .
There's 2 kind of critics

-He sucks ,he's bad 'he's commercial and bla bla
-He's the f*cking best rapper alive ouhhhhhhhhhhh
4 people who saying he sucks ...Dude stop acting tough and go back play with your barbie
4 Those who say :"HE'S THE FUCKING BEST "Did you listen to another rapper to real legend before saying someone is the best try to listen to everything

My point is he's overrated but he's not bad and I have no problem for putting it in the top 10 (I'm kind of good ) but #1 ...NO

MTV is wrong,Jay-Z is not the best

by A rap fan December 26, 2011

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