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Chicken whip

N. (chรฎ_ kin _wip) To be slapped, hit, punched, whipped, or flicked in the face by one's foreskin

Dont you backtalk me, I swear i'll chicken whip a bitch. Sorry dad

by TheSemenator March 15, 2011

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The sexual practice when a male masturbates with their penis in the upward position and as they're about to ejaculate, quickly swing down their shlong to release a line of semen. The semen will then make a whip like motion as the penis swings down onto the opposite person's body.

Josh used the ejacu-whip on his girlfriend, as he wanted to finish off on a rememberable night.

by TheMonkeKing January 4, 2021

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whip juice

Gas for your ride, whip=car, juice=gas.

Dang, it just cost me $70 to fill up on whip juice.

by Tha L Boogie 524 April 25, 2008

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whip and dip

The act of pulling out your penis and running freely while getting chased my cops

Person 1: dude look that guy did a whip and dip and getting chased by cops

Person 2: Snapchat this bro where gonna get rich

by Ihastoshit April 2, 2017

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One that has to ask Deb permission before anyhting

Deb can I play golf with the Boys on Friday

by Larry July 28, 2003

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Pistol Whip

When someone takes the grip of the gun and busts you in the face with it

Damn Jon, Who Pistol Whipped you? ill pop that trick!

by Jonathon S August 18, 2006

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Cool Whip

Someone who always has to top any story that someone tells

Man, everytime I tell Jim a story he acts like Cool Whip

by scat digg December 29, 2011

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