Is a branch of the united states military. It's usually an oppressed black person or a Hispanic person (With a valid n-word pass of course.) that makes sure no white or Arab person says the n-word.
White person #1: What's that sound?
White person #2: Oh shit it's the N-word police!
the best most epic roblox player ever.
sound of the police 12 search that on roblox
1👍 3👎
Files/datas that are filled with someone's bullshits,or even worse, which are been kept by the police, in order to restrain your life as a punishment or to remember you forever.
By the time I applied a street-illegal exhaust in my motorbike, a cop's motorcycle caught me, and from now on, i own a police record.
A person that bends over backwards to hurt others in the least intelligent way and or for no real purpose other than self importance. Goes out of their way to cause another to suffer either or both personally or financially. Their own life is so insignificant that to feel in control they abuse others in any insignificant way they can find to make themselves feel powerful. Contemptibly unimportant abuse of another.
The Petty Police are the ones who calls Code Enforcement on another persons home when it has absolutely nothing to do with them and they are detrimental to the peace and tranquility of life.
A group of police ran by Jammy Boye. They find anyone using non-pg family friendly terms and give them the ban hammer
Me: uses non pg family friendly joke
drohn puh-lees
A person often observed to be overreacting to perceived risky images or video. A person that thinks they know all the regulations in every country and believes they are entitled to judge people against those supposed regulations.
A person that often does not check the locality of the image or video being posted and often attempts to apply local, often misunderstood, regulations to said video or image.
Also known to assume image or video is from a drone rather than a platform or other aircraft.
Often claims or at least assumes that a pilot posting said images or video is unlicensed or at the very least does not have permission to fly where they assume the image or video was taken/recorded.
Related forms:
I had the drone police commenting on my video posted on Facebook last night.
The drone police reported my video to FAA/CASA.
The act of 4 cannabis enthusiasts taking a trip to the police station in an automobile, each with a fully packed bong.
The driver then honks the horn 3 times, and the reeferheads must finish their bowls and drive off before the police come outside.
Hey esè, wanna go on Police Station Burnride Holmes?
Yeahhh mannn that sounds dank!!