An obnoxious hell hole of an app that my friends and people won't shut up about. Commonly used by talentless teenagers who think they're cool because a bunch of ten year olds liked their dumbass tiktok.
HeY DiD YOu SeE mY nEw TikTok?????!!!?!!?!??!?!?!?!??!!?!!!?!??!!?!? ItS sO FuNNy aNd gOT a ThOuSaND LiKeS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
an app used by gen z that has recently gone very viral and everyone downloaded as a joke but now is obsessed with. this app also comes with hot tiktok boys, crazy tiktok dances and a lifetime of songs being stuck in your head. its become so popular you can now actually get famous off of it. we can only hope for a good future now.
person 1: hey do you want to-
person 2: (filming a tiktok): FEEL LIKE I DID TOO MUCH FEEL LIKE I DID TOO MUCH
person 1: uh-
person 1: ...
person 1 and 2: I WANT ALL OF YA
The most average thing ever to exist and can not compare to vine
TikTok is pretty gay
Any person with a functioning brain: You truly are the lowest scum in history.
TikTok: Ah, you're right.
Or Douyin in Chinese, Is a severe mental disorder that causes anyone infected begins to dance in front of their phones with music playing, to which the patient also may include a fast shaking motion with the buttocks.
Symptoms may include:
- Narcassism,
- Severe decrease of Attention span,
- Urmumgayalitis,
- Call every piece of media known as a "song" from TikTok.
- (For Females) Sudden urge to genocide all male human beings.
- Brain decay.
Sadly there is no world-wide cure but irreversible damage can be reversed with deleting the app.
a stupid gay ass abortion center
person 1: i got 1k views
person 2: shut up about your tiktok fuck face
TikTok is an app that has absolute garbage users but there is a good side of it, most of it is garbage though.
Person 1: I just downloaded tiktok, what should I upload?
Person 2: Get off that app