It's clear the next government thinks of most people as sheep if they're looking out for a few more violent ones blended in with the peaceful protestors.
A herd of sheep is what the new government thinks of most people, and they've let people know it.
What somebody who wants to convince you that all change is a good thing thinks you are.
He/she thinks you're a sheep who hasn't changed anything because you're scared to. The fucked up thing about it is when someone allows someone more hopeless and cynical about life than themselves to convince them of what is best for them.
Someone who thinks people are innocent that a slate can be wiped clean, like a person.
The people calling themselves the government think a lot of people are sheep, or puppets.
lowkey wants to ship two people but nah
I'll sheep James and Mary instead of ship them cuz I don't really know much about them.
Plural for sheep like a cow is cows or horse is horses sheep should be called Sheeps for all future generations
Hey look at the Sheeps in the paddock they look rather wooly