;.-pl,0okm9ijn8uhb7ygv6tfc5rdx4desz3wa2q1`after loosing!
;.-pl,0okm9ijn8uhb7ygv6tfc5rdx4desz3wa2q1`after loosing!
The stage after masturbation one experiences in which the occasional spew of semen still takes place.
After Johnny shot his load, he was in After-beat.
Used to refer to one's significant other - as one's boss outside of working hours
"Hey Dave! You free for drinks tonight after work?"
"Ah sorry man, my after hours boss needs me to stay overtime tonight"
when a girl has sex with a guy, regrets it the next morning, and calls him a rapist.
Typically cause she was caught cheating or because they were both drunk
Hey did you hear about Mike and Kenzie?
Yeah she was so into him and kept grinding on him at the party.
Yeah, they fucked but her boyfriend found out so she turned around and said he raped her.
Of course she did. Day after rape will get you every time
The way you feel on any day except for the weekends.
After Party Depression can be defined as: I feel so shit on mondays.
after fed day is another fury hurt day though this one allows all kinds of hurting even physical harm as in jokes i do not wana see blood so as long as no blood u can hit all u want! as a joke if u do really hit make sure u have consent!
rules if ur a furry:
do not block if on twitter or discord
do not nut
do not say uwu or owo for the rest of the day
the day after fed day is defined as: "U N WORD DIE *PUNCH* omg so sorry dont bleed will help!"
It‘s the smile in your face after your gym session.
Leroy: dafuq? y u smiling that much?
Gym guy: I was at the gym today. It‘s the goddamn after gym smile.
Leroy: okay got it.