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Fugg Boots

those nasty ass ugg boot girls ware that are made out of cheap pleather that always get gross from road salt in the winter or just being worn to mutch

Dustin:hey dude whats with all the girls wear those boots
Me: oh you mean the fugg boots

Dustin: oh and the bieber fever
Me: yeah, Zoey wants me to go to a concert
Dustin: sucks for you dude

by THE Black Magic Man November 14, 2010

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morning boot

When one is kicked out of a random sexual partner's bed because the random sexual partner has something to do (e.g. go to work).

"Hey dude I hooked up with Erica again last night but I just got the morning boot. You trying to get breakfast?"

by Zavcaptain October 14, 2013

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Moon Boots

A Welsh Adjective. Used to describe a thing that is utterly fantastic and brilliant, partly due to an endearing flaw or quirk.

Person 1: Wow! That shirt is Moon Boots.
Person 2: Totally.

by FishHuman July 30, 2013

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boot drag

To place your hand in a thumbs up position, and then drag up someone else's buttcrack from bottom to top, ideal position is when they are bending over.

Most proffesionaly done while screaming BOOTDRAG!

Gosh, I gave my boss the deepest boot drag today when he was tying his shoe.

by mikal3 February 24, 2006

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Boot Chaser

A female that searches out military men to get married. Also known as a Tricare chaser.

Dat hoe loves military men, she's a real boot chaser!

by Jack Rabbiting September 28, 2012

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Dirty boots

Used condom

Sonic youth song - dirty boots

by Lelik93 July 23, 2013

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[snow boots]

commonly used for brothers who deal with white girls..

Who you hooking up with tonight.. Man I'm throwing on my snow boots.

by rob wood January 4, 2008

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