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Bucket Thief

Bucket Thief - A thief who steal buckets. Buckets are a vital asset to the Bucket Thieving Nation.

"Im stealing your buckets for the BUCKET CAUSE! FOR I AM A BUCKET THIEF AND I PLAY RUNESCAPE!!!"

by Twangmaster September 20, 2009

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bucket master

A two litre bottle and a five little bottle which is used to smoke pollen/hash/weed which is used to get fucked. should not be taken by the faint hearted

He took 8 king size bukets he is like the bucket master(aka Jamie Lowth)

by Deco fron knock NA Tallagh August 8, 2006

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mung bucket

A bucket or trash can used for human waste, ie vomit, urine, poo, etc.

Billy's gotta ralph, grab the mung bucket!

by cyberpunk42 February 14, 2005

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bucket drops

gravity bong hits...

'Take some BD's later?...

by Ass March 20, 2003

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Nut Bucket

A bucket used to nut in.

Yo Timmy, pass me the nut bucket.

by CommonWhiteBoi June 7, 2018

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fun bucket

A bucket filled with binge food.

I got a fun bucket and some soda to watch netflix all night

by fun buckets February 13, 2018

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abortion bucket

A low life loser who scraped the walls of a jar when their mom was trying to abort them.

Hey bitch.. you're an abortion bucket. No one wants you, neither did your mom.

by MissBehavin07 May 20, 2017

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