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cup check

This is a term from hockey. A cup-shot is a kick or hit to the groin area. In hocky there are plenty of equipment checks accomplished by hitting someone very hard in that piece of equipment.

A cup check is a hit to the groin so hard that if you are not wearing a cup (groin protector) you will be serious disabled.

She gave him a cup check and left him screaming in pain on the floor.

by sr_engr April 22, 2008

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Welfare Check

A check the Government gives "poor" people to buy alcohol, drugs, and pay their drug dealer

I cannit wait to get me's welfare check so I's can go's and get s'more crack

by TX1148 May 14, 2014

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skin check

A suggestion to a person to take a look at the actual color of their skin when they are pretending to be of a different race.

Skin check! Dude, you're white, don't act black!!

by Lauren the great November 9, 2003

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p check

p check; To remind someone to recognize their privilege when you catch them making insensitive comments

I p checked that white boy and he shut up real quick

by Turdinthewind March 14, 2020

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peepeepoopoo check

peepeepoopoo check is a joke that the Twitch streamer/YouTuber Quackity uses when being a memer lol.
(We stan Quackity) follow/sub to him on Twitch: QuackityHQ

Ayo! Peepeepoopoo check! pee pee! poo poo!

by poopwasfound December 19, 2020

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Crowd Checking

When someone intentionally hits or checks the crowd at a show. Can be used to rile up a crowd or can be used to intentionally hit a certain person you don't like and is often used to provoke fights.

If you don't like someone at a show, intentionally start crowd checking them and everyone around them. if they hit you back you have a reason to beat the fuck out of them.

by Nignogg123 March 22, 2011

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Brake Check

1. (v) When a pedestrian intentionally and abruptly stops in front of another pedestrian who is walking closely behind them (in order to illicit a reaction).

2. (v) When a driver intentionally and abruptly breaks in front of another driver who is following them (in order to illicit a reaction).

3. (n) The act of break checking someone (see definitions 1 and 2).

1. "Dude, why'd you break check me?"

2. "If this guy behind me doesn't stop tailgating, I'm gonna break check 'em."

3. "When you walk closely behind someone, make sure to watch out for a brake check."

by cant_think_of_a_pseudonym_lol May 27, 2021

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