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Chloe story

Similar in definition to a 'nowhere story'. A story which has its listeners eagerly awaiting its point.. which never comes. Famously known as 'a Chloe story' by many in the midlands area of England.

Girl 1:"I came downstairs and my mum was sitting in a chair drinking a cup of tea. She said 'What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school? So I said 'It's half term, mother!'"

Girl 2: *looks at friend* "Chloe story!"

by Dylixia January 6, 2012

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Chloe Stevenson

A very entertaining girl hailing for the Scottish town called Ayr.(pronounced: Here) Often can be heard saying the phrase โ€˜Oh my God!โ€™ in a think Scottish accent. This however is not to be impersonated for fear of death. The Chloe part of the name relates to the Native American for Crazy Ginger Girl. The Stevenson section of the name originates from Scotland and the Celtic meaning of this name is one who is very bad at computer games. She also has an abnormal fear of feet. So at all times they should be thrust at her at any opportunity.

You are such a Chloe Stevenson

Please double bag thats Chloe Stevenson

by RhinoStorm November 20, 2009

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Chloe Webb

A girl with a very clammy cunt which will leave your cock smelling like roadkill

Man that girl is a chloe webb her fanny pongs

by Kieran knapp January 25, 2019

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chloe bennett

A mostly Asian actor which is awesome.She kissed Logan Paul in a beach. She is slowly breaking with Logan Paul.

Chloe Bennett used to like Logan paul

by Chloe paul August 3, 2017

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chloe and celia

the bestest of friends no doubt about that twooo beautiful girls! that love each other!!! they would die without each there!!! they will never be replaced they will always love!!! if anyone were to make fun of either one of them the other one would murder the person who said that! so if i were u i wouldnt ever pick a fight with them!!!:) and they are just truly pretty, gorgeous, and stunning...!

Hey did u see chloe and celia.....?
yeah they beat me up cuz i called them whores...
well they are bffs!
damn did u see chloe and celia..!?
yeahh hell there hot idk wich one to choose!
hah samee bro!

by bffls09910 January 19, 2011

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Chloe Fettes

Beautiful, Amazing, Gorgeous, Always Smiling, Pretty, Funny, Smart, Graceful, Helpful and Unselfish

She's Such a Chloe Fettes

by Sunshine26 May 25, 2011

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A girl with fluffy hair and a fluffy face and beard who lives in a house with people. She likes to name her dogs after brands of clothes. She goes to scouts and seduces all the leaders. Dont look her in the eye she will punch you in the face. But at the end of the day she is class.

Wow look at that Chloe-Wall

by Shawn-Dawg June 27, 2010

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