The kind of shit where you eat corn on the cob and it doesn’t digest correctly therefore the corn pieces show up in the shit when you shit.
Oh no I have a Corn shit
A phrase commonly used to describe the OTP known as Knock Out x Bumblebee in the Transformers - Prime series. The utter mention of its name causes fangirls to scream with joy.
I love corn on the cob, but not nearly as much as corn on the KOBB.
Another way to say butt or ass. This is more commonly used in reference to a woman's ass than a man's ass. It plays off the common knowledge that corn often survives the trip through the human digestive tract.
Jason: "Sarah is sure lookin' hot."
Tom: "She is, but my favorite thing about her is her tight little corn palace."
Someone who performs the act of scrubbing someone's corn hole.
Dude, you are such a corn scrubber!!
Corn hub is just porn for fruits and vegaeables
You can find corn hub videos by searching up fruits being un pealed and even if your not a vegetable or fruit you can still watch it cause its kinda hot not gonna lie
Old news. A topic that has been done to death. First used circa 1999 on the Popbitch message boards.
Bob: "Celebrity X has been having an affair with Celebrity Y!"
Alice: "corn laws"
Corn cuddle is when your corn hole touches the front of the guys ear of corn.
Bitch I am going to flip you over so we can corn cuddle.
Hey baby back thing up so we can corn cuddle.