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red flag

when he is an Arsenal fan

friend: my new boyfriend is an Arsenal fan!
me: omg! cut that bitch off hes a red flag

by lafarfallademama August 17, 2022

red flag

A girl who acts dead during sex, but is also the biggest hoe in the multiverse.

Don’t talk to her, she’s a walking red flag.

by mercanerie98 September 14, 2022

Red flag

Maikah, Mathew, Karim, Stefan, Isaiah, Marzouq (slightly), Leo, angad, Ozron, austin, any guy that sags and wears skinny jeans. Fuck all y’all bitches honestly. Ciwan. Any ginger.

Any one of those names are a red flag🚩🚩🚩

by Igotbeefwithyall December 5, 2023

Red Flag

something that you can’t see, even when you aren’t even visually impaired; someone or something that is morally fucking wrong and dumb naive people are careless enough to follow them around.

Kareem is so fucking hot”

“Can’t you see his red flag?”

“What do you mean??”

“He murdered 10 children with his car; how do you like that maniac

by nqmer December 27, 2023

Red Flag

Jade’s ex boyfriend

Jade’s EX boyfriend is the definition of a red flag.

by Hey2728 January 29, 2022

red flag

Describes a negative quality about a person in, usually in the context of dating, that makes a person less likely to be worthy of pursuing further

He hangs out with his ex on the weekends. That's definitely a red flag.

by exponenrevew June 15, 2023

Red flag


Joey is the problem he is the red flag he is red

by Haley winfrey February 17, 2023