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Caleb gardener

spend before you think

caleb gardener spends money

by 0atb March 14, 2023

The Garden

The best fucking gifting shop in Washington, D.C. Superior service to its clients, the place the garden itself has a really dope vibe. A must see!

I went to the garden and I was gifted…..

by WorldClassStoner November 23, 2021

Olive Garden

A place that never stops the cheese grater unless you say when. Can also be a dumbass who has 285 children.

I went to Olive Garden and it was bussin
Olive Garden is a bitch

by OliveTreeWhosGotSpeed December 9, 2023

Olive Garden

Just a casual American restaurant chain for the commoners. Serves typical Americanized Italian dishes made by unskilled college students who are just learning how to cook. Food is decent at best, as one would expect. Most often the place where a typical guy would ask a girl out to, as well as a freshman's first job.

Comparable to the Canadian restaurant chains "Swiss Chalet" and "East Side Marios".

Guy 1: Just got my first job at Olive Garden!
Guy 2: Nice!

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian April 2, 2020

Olive Garden

One might toss a salad but if you get the Olive Garden your getting a stick of bread and creamy sauce on your face with fettuccine on your head making you look blonde.

Anderson usually wants me to toss his salad but this time he asked if any of my friends could Cooper ate and give him some Olive Garden

by 8284play January 8, 2021

garden bush

the hair on a pussy, pubic hair

"wow, that girl has got some garden bush"

by quealana October 7, 2007

garden prairie

What a place, a hick place where no one goes and there are corn fields for days. There is enough dip and beer for the whole world in Garden Prairie. And you dont have to be of age.

Guy:"Where you buy your dip "
Other Guy:"Garden Prairie"

by Cunt-tree boi January 12, 2018