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Fifteen Minutes of Jive

In the future, owing to texting, tweeting and websites such as the Urban Dictionary, everyone and his brother will begin to coin phrases (such as "preemptive karma") and the person of the moment who finds himself atop Fortuna's Wheel of Elocution will be, for an instant, the cat's meow. Fifteen Minutes of Jive refers to such a scribbler's brief moment in the spotlight. As it has always done, language will then move on and the word of the moment will be replaced by yet another - only at a noticeably accelerated pace. This will of course lead to Jive Lag and Jivemire as well as Jivemires and a situation in which what was hip at, say, 9:15, will now be considered boorish by 9:35.

In the twenty-first century, the world did not seek out the cleverness of Oscar Wilde in the embodiment of a single individual, but instead sought to steep itself in a continuous omnipresent wit in which billions of individuals could, if only briefly, communally participate in being the life of the party and experience their clever moment in the sun: their fifteen minutes of jive .

by maximo hudson May 12, 2009

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5 minute Rule

The five minute rule was designed for couples who texted or called to ask out their partner. The rule is the couple has five minutes after "breaking up" to resume going out using a face to face approach. That way the couple could say they began their relationship using a face to face method. It is important to note that in the case of a lengthy breakup speech, the five minutes does not start until the speech is over.

Mike and Jenny like each other. Mike wants to go out with Jenny but cannot wait until school the next day so he asks her out through text message. Later in their relationship he regrets this and uses the 5 minute rule to count their relationship start as a face to face one.

by Wolfman4454 April 4, 2011

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Five Minute Miracle Diet

1. To take a dump; poop
2. What to say when "blowing mud" is not appropriate

"The coffee's starting to work; time for my Five Minute Miracle Diet."

by Bravochimp July 28, 2004

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yoel 5 minute hands

each person gets 5 minutes to do as they wish to the person across with their hands excluding every other body part....usually played with 2 players

eddy and samantha decided to play yoel 5 minute hands... eddy picked samantha's nose....samantha played with eddy's penis

by 5 minute yowl July 19, 2009

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1 beer 15 minutes

The act of consuming only one beer within fifteen minutes. This is the alcoholics supreme challenge. In theory, it is not possible for an alcoholic to drink only 1 beer at the bar within 15 minutes. The drink will last either 5 minutes, or will turn into three to four drinks within that 15 minutes, or they will give up and stay at the bar for extended hours.

The theorum has been tested generally during the hours of 2pm-3pm during work hours, or immediately following office hours, generally 5pm. The 2pm-3pm attempts are normally coordinated through instant messenger or email, and involve serious planning on leaving the office in increments to not appear suspicious.

note: 98% of the time, all participants of the Pittsburgh area fail.

<through instant messenger>

sparky: "the vpn is down again man. the goat must have chewed through the phone line"

Duds: "Bob's Place. 1 beer 15 minutes"

Sparky: "i'll gather the crew."

20 min later...

Crew member: "i wonder if they know we're gone??"

60 minutes later...

crew is still at the bar, with no intention on returning until 9pm, only to go people bowling in the kitchen with water bottles, while smoking cigarettes, and someone decides its a good idea to shread a roll of toilet paper all over the men's room

by milkacow June 26, 2008

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New Your Minute

A song by the band The Eagles.

~Describes how much goes on in a single minute in New York.

~A great deal happening in a short period of time.

You couldn't get all that done, even in a new york minute.

by You Know Who December 10, 2003

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last minute prom date

The person you ask to or accept an invitation to prom from 7-14 days before the event. Usually a last minute attempt at not going to prom stag. Not usually a person you'd normally be caught dead hanging out with under normal circumstances.

Janine, a member of the math club was so excited when Bobby, a hockey player asked her to prom two weeks before the event. But Bobby only asked Janine as a last minute prom date because his former girlfriend Stacy, a cheerleader broke up with him two days before he asked Janine to go.

by Laiho's Eyeliner August 4, 2008

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