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real nigga

A real nigga is A person hew is honest to it hurt and he is stuck in reality and has no time for fake shit so if you ant doing what you say and treating niggas right you will git shot by A real nigga

man every time I go to don house he feeds A nigga thats A real nigga.ant no nigga out here helping niggas thats A real nigga

by donvelly February 17, 2010

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Real Party

A party in which there are three basic elements: A lack of parents, an overflowing of alcoholic beverages, and a house-full of horny 14-18 year olds.

Golly Joe, that sure was a real party!

by Beeftown January 2, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Keepin' it real

A state of being. To Keep it Real is a transcendent quality that speaks to an essential truth devoid of stereotype, generalization and outside influence. To Keep it real is to be honest with others and is inclusive to those who practice it. Keepin' it real is the act of being "true" or "real" in all senses of the word. Not fake.

Danny asks "How you doin'?"

Frank, being true to his word, says "Keepin' it real. How are you doin'?"

Danny says "The same."

by KIR to the max December 23, 2011

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Keep it Real

contrary of the other definition just be yourself; this one means when your high as hell with your buddy/ies and their trippin you out talking stupid trippy and you want them to act normal

Puffer: maaaaaaan im high
Passer: wonder if god exsists
Puffer: fuck god, keep it real, im high as shit

by Maverick Aegis November 26, 2010

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Real shit

JuiceWrld song

Yo that song real shit do be vibing tho

by January 7, 2021

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The Real Indian

Something unbelievably awesome

That's the real Indian, man.

by Pyogora September 29, 2010

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Real Cougar

She is style, she is grace, she is smart, she is a leader. She has worked hard, learned a lot and excelled at whatever she chose to do. She doesnโ€™t ever have to apologize for being successful โ€“ she has earned her stripes.

โ€œReal Cougarsโ€ are business women, and they are wives and mothers. A โ€œReal Cougarโ€ is not defined by a band on her finger, itโ€™s her attitude about life. She is a woman who is constantly looking for new opportunities and knows how to get what she wants. Sometimes things donโ€™t work out exactly as she plans, but she grows from each and every experience.

In folklore a cougar quietly take control of a situation. Sometimes this can lead to conflict with others over territory. A cougar is associated with leadership and teaches decisiveness in the use of personal power.

True leadership through gentle assertiveness is what cougar teaches those with this totem. Cougar people are often very sure of themselves, not taking any unnecessary steps or exerting any extra energy beyond what is required of them to achieve their goal. Most cougars learn by trial and error, which strengthens them and hones their skills.

A cougar will leap at opportunities. They take control of their lives and circumstances most effectively.

5 Components of a Real Cougar

Health & Wellness:

A Real Cougar Cougar knows that feeling good is the most important thing. Her body is changing each decade. It's her responsibility to keep it running at full capacity.


A Real Cougar doesnโ€™t want to look 25. However she understands the importance of looking sexy and fabulous for the age she happens to be.


A Real Cougar knows that relationships are difficult to maintain. Whatโ€™s interesting about being over 40 is your priorities change. Now itโ€™s time to focus in on what you really want and stop pleasing everyone else.

Financial Freedom:

A Real Cougar knows the importance of being financially independent. Without that you never feel completely secure.


A Real Cougar knows how important it is to have a mindset that's programmed for success. Knowing how to tap into her spirit and her intuition is essential.

Brett just got back from a date, and called his best friend Dustin on the phone and said, "Dude I just met a Real Cougar at a cafe' yesterday afternoon, and we ended up talking almost all night - it was amazing! On top of that shes extreamly attractive and really cool"

by Cougar Guy January 29, 2009

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