when someone says something stupid but you don't care enough o correct them
p1:the earth is flat
p2:ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm ok
To lie or to cap
Male 1. “Bro I just won imagine dragon tickets on the radio”
Male 2. “Ok Mader”
The OK monster is a character from The Walking Peyton. He is a living OK hand, "👌" , from the 14 1/2 dimension. He accompanies The Walking Peyton on his adventures.
"Who is your fav. character on the walking peyton?"
"Probably the ok monster"
Very big kaka ok moment mainly by trogols
troooogols: yo bro check out my brand new shoes there the brand new 1 2
chooly man : ok trogols
trooogols: NOOO KAKAK BAN U
For when you're life has gone to complete shit but you had hope at one stage and tried to re-evaluate the situation came to the same if not worse conclusion.
Katie (to group of friends) hey how are you all doing?
Mike: I'm good yeah thanks
Shauna: I'm tired
Me. Ok² and you?
"When shit hits the fan and goes everywhere but you"
For when life has gone to complete shit. Yet you had some fledgling of hope as some stage and attempted to re-evaluate the situation and you've come to the same conclusion if not worse as before
Katie( to group of friends) how are you all today?
Heather: I'm grand yeah thanks. And you?
Shauna: i'm tired
Daniel: ok² and you?
"When shit hits the fan and hits everywhere but you"
For when life has gone to complete shit. Yet you had some fledgling of hope as some stage and attempted to re-evaluate the situation and you've come to the same conclusion if not worse as before
Katie( to group of friends) how are you all today?
Heather: I'm grand yeah thanks. And you?
Shauna: i'm tired
Daniel: ok² and you?
"When shit hits the fan and hits everywhere but you"