You are legaly required to say this before you shoot the basketball. The phrase was popularized by YouTuber Hoopology
Hol up let me cook real quick. S p i n M o v e LARRY BURRRRRRRRRRRRD...... BA-
A little motherfucker that needs his ass kicked,Often known as a "Nick Head".
Also aa" tit suck",won't leave momas tit.
A punk ass bitch that turns his back on grandma....
That son of Larry was to busy being tit suck that he turned his back on grandma., while being a nickhead.
The meaning of a son of a Larry is not a back stabber but a back Turner ....
A person who habitually holds grudges regarding petty events, aka "sitting on eggs".
A person who incites negative events, in order to birth an egg to sit on, aka "egg laying"
He is still angry but doesn't know why. He is sitting on an egg, being a Larry McKlevitz.
A project started in 1996, this was an undercover operation to train an average human to be able to emulate people perfectly. The children called "Larry" had two parental units, two siblings, a cat, and a dog each. A few years into the program "Larry" was diagnosed with social difficulties, which made it extremely difficult for them to emulate efficiently. Growing up, they were able to emulate voices, personalities, and quirks of other people down to a point. The program was shut down in 2010 after Barack Obama took office and shut down the program. It is rumored that a few "Larry" still exist today.
Tim: Did y'all hear bout that project Larry?
Bob: Tim shut up y'all be sounding like nutty nick down at the bar on Tuesday evenin! Ain't no such thing as Project Larry
Tim: I'm tellin y'all it's real! I met a Larry yesterday.
Bob: surrrre you did Tim... Now go get me and you a beer!
An odd pair who argue about foolishness but always love and support each other
Spectator 1: Look at those two argue
Spectator 2: Awww, they're so Tiffany and Larry
A man who tans to many lines and has plans to take over the world. His eyes are incredibly large and will talk your ear off all night.
That guy was had eyes like dinner plates, that has to be Dishpan Larry
Larry the kind of guy that think cousin fucking is normal!
Also known as being a Kyle!
Dude talking about your cousin like that is very Larry like!