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Who y’all got?

a phrase used when asking which side another person is taking. typically used in sports, but could also be used in arguments, etc.

who y’all got this superbowl? chiefs or niners?

i’m not associate with someone playing both sides. who y’all got?

by MajorBruhMoment February 2, 2020

Who is awake now?

this is to be said when it is midnight into a group chat. this helps to attract attention and make people start texting. this annoys some people asking us people to shut up. Use the word uno nay thee or sdrawkcab kaeps or any other word that can flip the damned friggin universe upside down to shut them up.

You: Who is awake now?
Annoying guy: Shut your ass up!
Everyone: starts flooding a spamming the chat with messages

by King D with double R May 18, 2020

Who’s your DOC?

A DL way that one might inquire as to which party favors an individual chooses to seek out to provide their primary care AKA their drug of choice.

Who’s your DOC? Tina, Mary Jane, Molly, Pearl, Angel or Hermione?

by Salty Captain May 4, 2022

Who-does-that death

A death that is rare; usually in an easier part of a level compared to the rest.

I just died at Vermillion. That's such a Who-does-that death.

by pxlse! October 7, 2023

Guys Who Are Fries

Something a macho jerkoff says about other men who he's intimidated by. Often these men are better looking and much smarter.

Look at those wankers over there talking to the hot chicks, a bunch of guys who are fries.

by HoldMyBeer69 April 22, 2021

Who killed Hannibal?

Refers to the skit on episode 6, season 2 of the Eric Andre Show where Eric Andre shoots Hannibal Buress and then asks “Who killed Hannibal?”

Used to indicate when a person or group wonders why something happened or why someone would do something when they are the one’s at fault for causing it.

Person A is shitty to their girlfriend and she leaves him.
Person A: Why would she do this?
Person B: Well, who killed Hannibal?

by Arrrrg, Zombies! December 28, 2022

Who drips harder

One folk has said he is the prominent dripper Liam Nolan says he drips hard but who really drips harder the

Mackenzie Mann is the one who drips harder

by Mackenzie m December 3, 2018