Source Code


Slang (Mainly Brit.)

Slugging Fist-fight which will often involve fairly even numbers and teams of around 5-10 a piece (usually, there are exceptions such as major punch-ups). The fight will continue until either all competitiors have ejected themselves but the victor, or until a form of authority has arrived to separate everyone.

We had a punch-up in the local park over the weekend.

by Gumba Gumba February 27, 2004

38πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Falcon Punch

Officially created in a south east england grammar school, falcon punch was originally a punch to a pregnant womans stomach, but the offspring of this phrase has succeeded, to the more ethical, less dangerous and practically more enjoyable FALCOOOOOOON PUNCCHH! Taking a Captain-Falcon like stance, swing the fist back and uppercut the targets rectum, a strait shot can have devestating effects; any of the following:
a) Instant case of touching cloth.
b) Instantly released fart
c) Slow build up to needing a massive crap.
d) Target instantly shits themselves.

As the venom of the falcon punch increases, the symptoms worsen. Often resulting in incapacitation. Requires FALCON PUNCHHHH to be shouted loudly whilst being carried out, or the same result is not achieved.

I need to go to the toilet, sam just falcon punched me.

Person2: WHAT THE FUCK *shits themselves*

Ahh that reeks! did someone just get falcon punched or something?

by SamIsSexy. November 26, 2009

57πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

tongue punch

The act of sticking your tounge in someones oriffice.

I am going to tongue punch your dirt hole(ass!)!

by matumus February 2, 2010

72πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

Donkey Punch

Verb. Noun.
Whilst participating in either vaginal or anal β€˜doggy style’ intercourse, during the instant before the male ejaculates, the penis is inserted (or kept) in the female's anus, at which point he delivers a swift punch to the back of the female’s cranium. This results in the simultaneous contraction of the anal sphincter and various other muscles in the female, thus producing a tremendous sensation for the male. However, for the technique to render successful, the receiving party must be knocked utterly unconscious.

β€œI was banging this one night and I donkey punched the bitch so hard she passed out!”
β€œWhat happened after that?”
β€œI fell asleep. What else?”
β€œHear hear! Bravo!”

by Shane and Ryan September 11, 2005

3171πŸ‘ 3223πŸ‘Ž

@donkey punch

While having sex doggy style the person in back punches the person he is having sex with in the back of the head.

When I was doing my girlfriend in the butt I donkey punched her and told her she was a pretty little girl.

by freakybig January 23, 2004

240πŸ‘ 223πŸ‘Ž

Fucker Punch

fuhk-er puhnch
-noun, verb

1. A blow delivered by an irritated person to a fucker or douche.

2. The act of delivering aforementioned punch to the fucker or douche, usually with incredible force and precision. The goal is to shut them the fuck up.

1. Having a scrapbook in one's possession is grounds for an immediate and lethal fucker punch.

2. Jeanette was out last Friday on a fucker punching rampage. She took out all five members of a local scrapbooking club and even fucker punched their collective 92 cats.

by Jeanette M. January 22, 2009

14πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Punching Babies

The act of repeatedly fisting a pregnant lady.

Banging her mid pregnancy felt a little discomforting, so i opted to just go punching babies instead...

by Snowball the Ginger Hater July 3, 2011

10πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž