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Reverse pajama

Similar to pajama, the difference being the person on the bottom needs to be a male, you have to get him hard and have anal sex with you without waking him up.

Adam: dude, what happened last night? My dick smells like ass.
Jerry: your girlfriend came and reverse pajama'd you.
Adam: damn man, that's the first time I've been in her ass in my life.

by Dirtydave0221 May 1, 2009

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reverse holocaust

The Holocaust but with roles reversed. When Jewish people oppress other groups.

Israel is trying to start a reverse holocaust with their settlements in the west bank.

by GuyWhoThinksHeKnowsEverything August 7, 2019

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Reverse Sunset

A sunset, typically over the ocean, when there is a cloud layer above a clear horizon and the sun appears from behind the cloud layer creating a type of sunrise (reverse sunset) before quickly setting again.

I think we are going to see a reverse sunset tonight!

by LagunaJohn January 6, 2011

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Reverse Wedgie

The opposite of a wedgie, usually inflicted on oneself accidentally. When sat on the toilet and you stand up pulling up your pants but leaving your underpants around your knees.

Also self-inflicted in times of panic, as when your pants are down as your girlfriend is giving you a blow job and her parents come home. In a panic you pull up your pants, again leaving your underpants around your knees.

"Jenny's parents came home while she was giving me a blow job, right there in view of their hallway. I reacted to fast I gave myself a reverse wedgie."

by walkin-dead January 31, 2012

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reverse snowball

when you cum in a girls pussy the she sits on your face and drips it into your mouth, then you start french kissing and give it back to her.

man shes a freak she wanted a reverse snowball!

by _the one and only James December 14, 2007

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Reverse kanga

Doing a poo on someone else toilet backwards to get as much poo everywhere as you can.

Me: Hey that guy Wayne was such a douche.

You: Well go and do a reverse kanga at his place.

by Anonimuser December 21, 2010

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reverse beaver

When you give anal sex to someone who is constipated in an attempt to clear up their constipation.

Person 1: "My stomach is killing me, I think I'm constipated."
Person 2: "A reverse beaver oughta clear that up."

by Tweeeeble March 23, 2022