Source Code

Richard Dean Anderson

Ha! He was in three:
-Stargate: SG-1
Everyone ALWAYS forgets Legacy. like all MacGyver fans forget about ALF
Probably because Legacy only lasted 1 season.

RDA, lately, has starred on Stargate: SG-1 as Colonel Jack O'Neill. But, that will shortly end. Why? Because he wants to spend more time with his daughter, so he's screwing the series. After 7 years, too!

To those in SG communities: I'm SSCarter. I've probably joined your BBoard, so say hi to me!

A friend of mine saw Richard Dean Anderson in the airport and went up to him and said hi. Isn't that awesome? this was before Stargate, though.

by Aya-kun February 26, 2004

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Cliff Richard mood

When one can't be fucked.

I was going to wash the car, but in the end I was in a bit of a Cliff Richard mood, so it's still covered in shit

Referenced obviously to the Peter Pan of Pop's famous celibacy. (Apart from when he gave Sue Barker a right seeing to back in the day)

by captain fuckflaps July 23, 2010

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Richards High School

This ridiculous high school in Oak Lawn, Illinois. If you send your child there, expect them to either a) drop out b) become pregnant or get a STD or c) become a gang banger.

Seriously, this school is so dumb the administration has no control over their students and most of the students are trash. The rich kids all think they're hot stuff but infact they're as trashy as the gang bangers who run around beating people up and selling drugs. The white kids all try to blend in by drinking and smoking pot, and theyre the ugliest pieces of shit in the world. This school is going down the drains fast. I wouldn't be surprised if half of the kids end up in jail by the time they graduate.

should include the word being defined
Tim: "Oh my god. Those two girls almost murdered each other!!!!!"

Jenni: "What did you expect? They go to Richards High School. They act like animals there."

by Jennaj21 May 4, 2016

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Richard Reid Effect

Definition: The act of a single individual or group of individuals having long-lasting policy ramifications for a whole population.
Background and derivation: Richard Reid, also known as the β€˜shoe bomber,’ was a would-be assassin who was unable to light the fuse on his explosive-laden shoe on a transatlantic flight between Paris and Miami in October 2001. In 2003, he was convicted in U.S. Federal Court of having committed a terrorist act and is now serving a life sentence.
Since his conviction, passengers passing through security check points in airports must take off their shoes and have them x-rayed with their carry-on baggage. Had Reid been successful in destroying the aircraft midair, we all would be none the wiser and not be victims of the Richard Reid Effect.

Example: The alleged plot by British terrorists to blow up U.S.-bound jets with liquid explosives has led to another, Richard Reid Effect TSA policy limiting passengers to carrying only small bottles of liquids in airplane cabins.

by French Inhaler May 9, 2008

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richard paul astley

The full name of the most legendary meme on the Internet, Rick Astley.

Hello, I am Richard Paul Astley.

by yeltsA kciR May 17, 2021

Richard Skip Day

A day for people that aren’t seniors that want to skip on Senior Skip day.

I’m not coming to school tomorrow, it’s Richard skip day

by poopypoop69 May 11, 2022

Inhale My Richard

An alternate way of saying suck my dick.

Hey babe, wanna' inhale my Richard?..

by ThatOneGayTelletubbie February 15, 2018

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