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Scene Kid

A male or female who dresses in the scene fashion.
They look like noone in any picture that has been posted, mostly it seems that the photo feature has been used to help poser kids feel better about themselves.
In actuality, scene has developed to encompass many different styles and denominations. There's the scene queens, who wear nearly anything to make themselves look original, from tutus and metal-band shirts to ripped fishnets and tiny shorts, often boots and oversized shirts as dresses. There's also what I call the street version scene girls, who lean toward tight jeans and Funsteps. However, hair and makeup is alike across the board. It's nearly always straightened, very teased in the back, choppy, and often multicolored. The basic color is normally black or peroxide blond, but streaks are promoted, and a select few do manage to pull off the natural browns- but for the most part it doesn't happen. Piercings are also promoted within the scene community, normally facial. Makeup is either incredibly well-done neons or dark blacks. The real scene girls are nearly always gorgeous, with large eyes accentuated by the intense makeup. For the males, the scene kings usually wear tall spikes that stick straight up in the back, with bangs and makeup. They will be wearing tight jeans, occasionally cowboy boots or something similarly ironic. The street version of the scene male is tight jeans, straightened black hair, occasionally with blond streaks, and sometimes also wearing the spikes. Makeup is unlikely but possible. Despite popular belief, not every scene kid is gay or bi. Many girls are known for being particularly bitchy and self-obsessed, the boys for being arrogant and vain, none of which seems to be able to subtract from the obsession that teens are growing with this new fad. Eventually, the scene will fade out of the popular eye, and the new jacks will pass to the next trend, making scene truly alternative again.

I saw this scene kid walking down the street the other day, I swear his hair was taller than he was.

by commonsense. August 31, 2008

18πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

scene jockey

This is an individual, usually a girl, who fucks or hooks up with people dialed into any scene or social circle in order to advance her hierarchy standing. This person usually targets those with pull, power, drugs, money or the most popular person in the group in hopes to move up the social later. They prey on promoters, store or club owners, dj's, musicians, artists, athletes, drug dealers & bosses just to name a few. Also, beware of Scene Jockeys in drug dealer circles because they tend to move on faster than any other scene.

She is such a scene jockey she never has to wait in lines or pay cover charges no matter where she goes.

by hank naveron January 24, 2006

16πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

scene hair

- block fringe covering the eyes/just above the eyes OR can be tied to the side
- if tied to the side, it has to be tied using cute clips and hair grips.
- added volume & spiked/lifted up in the back using lots of hairspray.
- leopard/camo/polka dot headband worn mostly when the fringe is down.
- bows&ribbons worn in hair.
- usually jet black/white blonde, sometimes with one bright colour streak.
- (black/blonde/colour) extensions are NEEDED.!

- block fringe / long or short side fringe, sometimes covering the eyes (the same as girls').
- hairspray is used to give volume to the hair/spike it up at the back.
- ALWAYS layered at the sides of the face and at the back, sometimes on the fringe (unless it's a proper block fringe).
- usually jet black / white blonde, with streak(s) of the opposite colour at the side/fringe.
- sometimes a shoulder length tip on the side of the fringe (right by the face) and the rest of the hair cut shorter.
- bows are sometimes worn.
- bandana (red/black/white) is worn as a headband.

black layered hair with one white blonde streak at the side/fringe, excessive hairspray used at the back to spike up.

omfg i've run out of hairspray, i'm not going outsideeee
(not insulting, it's what i say :!)


by voguehorror September 11, 2006

309πŸ‘ 200πŸ‘Ž

left on the scene

To be ditched, usually by a love interest.

Make a date with a girl, you show up at the restaurant...she never shows, you've been left on the scene.

by Jman829 March 29, 2014

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Scene Boy

any boy who wears girl pants/tight pants, has his hair over one eye,wears tight and/or button down shirts, is trendy in an "i got this at goodwill" sort of way. Could be gay, could just seem like it. Piercings, while optional,are mainly in the lip if there. listens to music of the "emo", "screamo", random, persuasion.

Most boys at a Coheed and Cambria concert.

"Why are they wearing girl pants?"
-"It's ok, they're scene boys."

by hXc_times_3 November 5, 2005

202πŸ‘ 127πŸ‘Ž

Scene Kid


Scene kids are "kids" varying in age from 13-21, generally.
They, for the most part, living in the suburbs, go to large high schools with many other "scene kids" at the school. However, in what would seem contrary to logic, scene kids try not to associate or spend too much time around their fellow "scene kid".
A scene kids' biggest fear is being called a poser, so, they try to be as 'individual' as possible. Many kids on the scene, now, will dress with preppy, expensive dress shirts, sweater vests, etc, to avoid being associate with being too scene. However, they will always retain the tight, skinny jeans as they're a signature piece of clothing for any scene kid.
Scene kids also are know to use reverse phycology by calling themselves 'posers', because if they can call themselves 'posers' it proves that they're very confident; if a scene kid can call himself or herself a poser and their peers still think they're "scene" then that will greatly separate themselves from kids that ACTUALLY ARE posers.


Being scene, 'in the early days' was all about having one's myspace, facebook, etc. with a long list of all the bands that they know -well- and love, but no one else has ever heard of.
However, now, with posers diluting the scene, many scene kids will NOT list their favorite bands. Instead, their PM Personal Message will have lyrics from "gangster" songs that they will actually listen to and have on their iPod(or other Music Player) along with the usual mix of screamo and experimental music. Outlawz - Real Talk, Yeen Never-Chris Echols, etc. for example, have become a favorites because most people, especially preps have never head of those songs which helps scene kids retain their individual, 'underground' roots while staying fresh and new.
If you want to find out what a scene kids listens to, you're going to have to A) Invest a lot of time on MySpace or, look on their iPod(or whatever music player they use). The chance of you asking and getting granted this request is next to nothing but it is worth a try. Also, don't be surprised if you find songs like "Aneka - Japanese boy" on their music player! Scene kids, generally, DON'T ACTUALLY LISTEN to songs like that, it's just a joke.


Scene kids never use "scene" lingo! Instead, they use gangster terminology.
Person one: Yo' is rollin' up da' mall at, like, 7:00pm, skillet? (are you going to the mall at 7:00pm, buddy?)
Person two: Fer' Skizzle* (Yeah)
Person three: 'K, keepz it strizzle. (OK, stay good)
*many scene kids use words that contain "izzle"

The gangster terminology, which is only ever used online by scene kids, and never in-person, is meant to contrast with the delicate, fragile persona that scene kids also try to project.
Scene kids, almost always slight, with their skinny jeans that are meant to accentuates their delicate bodies, use the gangster terminology to contrast with the fact that they, unlike the stereotypical "gangsters", are, in fact, very weak, sweet, and kind despite their superficial personality and they need to be treated as something breakable so extra tender love and care is needed.

The Cycle/The outlook for scene kids:

Many scene kids, started becoming "scene" SLOWLY when they were about 13 or 14. When they reach 15-17, they usually the 'sceneest' they'll ever been and once they reach 18, with their teen angst fading, will start, again slowly, to assimilate and conform. This, for better or worse, is common amongst nearly all members of all sub cultures.

Sadly, the scene, despite the best effort of true scene kids, is on 'life support' and doesn't look like it can last much longer under the weigh of people who don't truly understand what it means to be a scene kid: All trends have their beginnings and ends, for better or worse.
The scene is, was, and in the foreseeable future will continue to be a vibrant community of youth expressing their individuality -- not clichΓ©, it is the truth.

Person one: Wow, scene kids are really, really different!
Person two: Yeah, but they're OK...I guess
Person three: Naww.. I love 'em!

by BreeBrizzle March 4, 2009

14πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

scene pictures

Scene kids tend to take an abundance of photos of themselves and post them on myspace, then get anyone to comment on them. So here goes;
- from the corner.
- from above, looking down on them
- with their eyes closed
- sitting holding their knees.
- holding gloomy bear or some teddy.
- in the mirror
- in front of some crazy background
- with something written on their hand
- with something written on paper


* scene pictures *

by titsy April 6, 2009

12πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž