When a man takes a fresh baked potato and thrusts his dick in it
He got 3rd degree burns on his dick after doing the heat stroke
Something I get too close to having every fucking summer.
Usually comes with mosquito bites and back to school crap.
I don’t get what summer does that makes these people so happy. All it gives me is mosquito bites and heat stroke.
The act of trying to get off by masturbation before an expected person arrives to your home
In there's something about Mary Ben Stiller's character misplaced his load on his ear and not his eeiner caught on his zipper trying to get a danger-stroke before Mary showed up for their date
When you're expecting company soon and you decide to rub one off before the doorbell rings
I just got off the phone and the pizza delivery guy said 10 minutes and if this is the only time I'll have to get off so I pulled a danger Stroke right before the doorbell rang 😅 think
A sland term for masturbating for males.
Dude I'm so horny, I think im going to go stroke the magic pickle.
Having sex with someone on the first day you meet them
I keep going on tinder dates tryna get some day one strokes
Having a sexual interaction with someone on the first day you met them
I just met this girl, I’m hoping to get some day one strokes.