Source Code

1-bit marriage

Like a 1 bit number, it's either on or off. You either have a spouse or you don't. Unfortunately it's the standard in the United States of America and you can't have more.

America is a country where you can only have a 1-bit marriage, but they don't care if the spouse is the same gender as you.

by Wm. Wallace The Freedom Fighter December 24, 2007

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bit your fist

(to shove a fist in your mouth)
similar to bite your tongue, means to bite your fist so one is unable to speak and/or what’s tried to be said illegible

telling someone to bite their fist is telling them to shut the f**k up.

β€œi really don’t like being friends with cis people, you ask them not to use a gendered term towards you and they go β€œi use that for everybody”. like, it would be SO hot if you bit your fist right now.”

by idonthaveaconcussion June 24, 2021

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8 Bits By Dawn

The greatest band on Rock Band ever consisting of the original members of Spidermamajama and Mark. Sometimes called simply "8 Bits"

Did you see 8 Bits by Dawn? They fucking rule. Spidermamajama was awesome, but then they added Mark. The lead singer really wails on that cowbell solo, too.

by Hobocop November 15, 2007

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Kibbles and Bits

To get small chinks of weed in your mouth when smoking a joint, pipe, or blunt. (not a good thing at all)

Damn Get that pipe a screen! i got kibbles and bits all in my mouth!

by duhveed October 7, 2009

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Wiggly Bits

Wiggly bits are the thoughts and ideas that fill the little nooks and crannies of your brain– the notions that you can’t quite shake off, but can’t express in real words either.

Wiggly Bits: a wiggly bit can be a series of musical notes that won’t stop swirling through your thoughts, an image that your hand can’t connect to a canvas, an inappropriate reaction to a current event, or your latest ideas on establishing a sheep farm.

See: www.wigglybits.com

by WigglyMaster November 17, 2009

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cool bit

cool bit is used to describe somthing cool. Colin Nicoletti coined this phrase.

"cool bit nig nig, that shit is hot" :Colin Nicoletti, circa 1974

by MC colin time December 24, 2003

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8-bit Theater

Same as above. Black Mage definitely the best. My hero. It's actually spelled Theatre at the site.

Red Mage: I was born ready.
FIghter: I was born naked and screaming.
Black Mage: And if all goes according to plan, you'll die like that too.
Fighter: Black Mage is my friend.

by David January 19, 2004

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