That moment when you cover your body with soap, then dive head first naked into a school zone
“This morning at the sandy hook elementary school, a fuckhead named muargo gucci toilet did a One second arrest”
Originally created by YouTuber Danny Mullen. It means when you slip it up a chicks ass real quick and pretend it was a accident.
Oh shit. I didn't mean to 3-seconds in the key you.
The second person theory is the theory that, in almost all circumstances, the perpetrator in a crime based television show is the second introduced character in the episode. They are typically introduced after or just prior to the first lead and suspect. Holds true at least 90% of the time.
Refer to any episode of any crime show ever.
<dude 1> "They did it."
<dude 2> "What, how do you know that?"
<dude 1> "Second-Person Theory.
10 second crush:
i) is a crush that you have for a very short amount of time and get over them very quickly
ii) a CRUSH you have as a last solution and if someone better looking came you wouldn't pay attention to them anymore
For meaning 1
Person 1: I heard Dylan is back on the market
Person 2: I don't like him anymore he was just a 10 second crush
For meaning 2
Person 1: Do you still like Marie ?
Person 2: Nah, I mean haven't you seen Hellen?
When you witness another person become aroused leading to you becoming aroused
Max was horny and had a boner, Andre was looking and he got a boner. Andre had second-hand arousement
When someone puts their lips on your private for the first time
Danone: have you had your first kiss yet?
Ian: yeah, and I've had my second first kiss too *wink*
Danone: *gags*
1. If an article of food is dropped, the 5 second rule states that it is still elligible for eating within a 5 second interval.
2. A rule governing the amount of time it takes for George W Bush to speak before he mispronounces a word.
We will not stand around to witness the creation of NUQULAR weapons. Oops, five second rule.
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