Hot people who love anna beeka the queen
Wow are u part of the beeka babies
Yeah I am
U are hot
Yo guys bout to make like a baby & head out. Got work in the morning.
The belief in the one true prophet baby dic shask and that he is the chosen one, sent to earth as Dustin to free his people from tyranny and lead them to promise land of liberty and freedom . The Baby Dic religious society was founded on June 6-6-06 at 606pm. And he as fastly become one of the worlds fastest growing religions...
Baby dic
Baby Dicism
In game, somebody who only uses the meta, whatever that is in the game
ive died to this stupid fucking meta baby five times, why cant he actually get good
Mark Zuckerberg and his wife's baby.
A: "The royal baby is the most influential infant in the world".
B: "That was until world met the Social Baby".
Very short shorts that elicit a response "ohh baby." Otherwise known as Daisy Dukes.
The reason that chair stuck to her is because of them ooh babies.
A person conceived from an anal creampie that ahd dribbled its way into the vagina causing pregnancy of said poonut baby
Justin you poo nut baby, we all know your mother took it in the ass and you're an accident"