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Bucket Butt

A person who has a round rear-end. Also could compare to a person with a bubble butt. "


by BB10714fun1 July 21, 2022

Bucket Butt

A person who has a round rear-end . Also could compare to a bubble butt.


by BB10714fun1 July 21, 2022

anal butt trench

unhygienic butt crack, butt cleavage, totally disgusting ass.

I almost puked when I saw his anal butt trench.

by dumpsterbear May 15, 2011

Butt Soup

Aka Fowl Butt Juice. The liquid shits. When your bowls are thin and super liquidated.

Poor Jennifer’s stomachs was in knots as she did her best to hold in the Butt Soup while waiting for the bathroom.

by Farts4Sale February 20, 2024

Butt muenchousen by proxy

When a parent deliberately puts forth ill symptoms on their child via nasty ass; poisoning food with dingleberries; farting through the vents

Bob you're butt muenchousen by proxy has gotten dangerous, timmy had to be on a ventilator last night.

by Word slayer18769 October 22, 2020

sac tap butt slap

This is a truly humiliating attack one can do to a boy. It involves the simple act of hitting them in the balls, usually with a quick flick motion. When he is doubled over in pain it is followed by a painful slap on the ass. It’s a spanking they won’t forget and whoever does it is a badass.

Example 1
Jake: Why is everyone laughing at robin?
Tanner: Jordan attacked him. It was a sac tap butt slap
Jake: Damn!

Example 2
Brent was standing around minding his own business when Robin and Derek got him with a sac tap butt slap. Robin hit him in the balls, Derek slapped his ass. It was embarrassing for Brent.

by Elsis December 28, 2018

gus butt

Girl/woman with a hairy butt!

Daaaaaamn! That girl I brought home last night had a Gus Butt!

by Huffs34 February 8, 2019