To practice something in order to not forget.
I have to draw more often to not get rust on something .
Ran (or get pan) is a racist war crime committer, he also hates the French
''Why does Ran (or get pan) hate us French people?''
''Because you guys existed''
Refers to when someone who has usually been "financially comfy" encounters an unexpected downturn in da ol' budget-department, and therefore is no longer able to "live da soft life" for da time being.
I suggested that my fairly-affluent neighbor consult my local "running on a shoestring" mechanic friend for lower-priced auto parts, but he somewhat-snortingly replied, "Well, yeah --- I could do that if I didn't mind dealing with a crook." Well, naturally, I felt kinda shocked and hurt, since the low-income junkyard-owner whom we were alluding to had always "used me good" --- he and his family were smilingly friendly, often gave my rides around town, and always let me use the office-phone in his repair-shop to make local calls in the days before my folks had a telephone of our own. But then just a few weeks later when I'd gone to make a phone call at the garage, I saw that this same somewhat-snooty neighbor had indeed stopped over there to see about a cobbled-together pickup truck that my friend was selling --- oooooohhhhh, did he ever look disgusted and humiliated to be even setting foot on this "lower-class" dude's property! I felt really glad that he apparently never observed me that time, so that he wouldn’t feel even MORE embarrassed that I knew that he had in fact eventually gone to try doing business with this guy, but at the same time I did feel a slight urge to gloatingly waltz out and sarcastically giggle to my neighbor, “So --- ya actually DID come to see this ‘crook’ after all, eh??? Kinda makes ya wanna think twice from now on about trash-talking other folks like that, eh? Ya never know when ya might ‘get poor’ and hafta go see them after all, eh??"
Lol you’re just jealous Atiny I don’t want to be your friends because my in law is getting marry
Lol you’re just jealous Atiny I don’t want to be your friends because my in law is getting marry
1👍 1👎
Explaining to someone (usually a member of the LGBTQ+ community who is at the beginning of their "coming out" journey) that "it gets better." This could be perceived as patronizing, particularly when offered by someone who doesn't seem to have their life together, but it is well-intentioned.
A reference to the It Gets Better Project storytelling campaign which has helped thousands of LGBTQ+ young people. Used in the HBO Max show, "The Sex Lives of College Girls"
"I'm just calling to check in on you. I could tell you're in a really bad place and I just wanted to say that it gets better."
"Oh my god, are you "it gets bettering" me? Yeah, no, I'm fine. You drive a Ford Windstar. You get better."
When a windows application does it's famous "Task.exe (stopped responding)" and you haven't saved the project after a few hours of hard work, what do you do now? You bring up the task manager then to have that too not responding; thanks microsoft. You can now find the old rusty sledgehammer or the better option taskkill.exe. After entering taskkill.exe /IM mspaint.exe in the start menu say "Get taskkill.exed" and presses enter.
"Ah Scheiße! Der process has stopped working! Time to Get taskkill.exed"
"Not again! Why me! Why microsoft! *sigh* Well.. There's only one way to end this.. *PistolReload2.mp3* Get taskkill.exed!!!"
Get fucked and you suck combined into one nice little package
Bob: *Spills big pot of soup*
George: “Get sucked”