Opposite of a CAT scan which checks out your "internal workins" for injuries/defects, this electromagnetic-field survey checks for anomalies OUTSIDE of the body, such as the presence of demons or other unwanted less-than-genial spiritual "hitchhikers". Not endorsed by the AMA or any other "official" medical organization --- but then what do those highfalutin narrow-minded "blindly-going-by-the-book" lame-brains know, anyway??? --- but is touted as surprisingly effective by many people, especially ones who are into wiccan/meditative healing.
I felt really wound up from having nightmares and other moderate mental disturbances, so I made an appointment for a DOG scan. Da quiet-mannered hippie-fella who administered the test was really kind and sympathetic during the procedure, and then afterwards he performed a free banishing-seance on me; I do indeed feel noticeably calmer and sleep more peacefully since then. Da long-haired dude also loaned me a couple books on alternative healing and thinking, which I am currently perusing in my spare time.
Secret code for masturbation.
"What are you going to do tonight?"
"Uh, you know... I'm gonna go Wash the Dog."
What you do when there has been a family row and you slip away.
My sister and husband were having a rough time so I slipped away to wash the dog.
When you see your best friend for the first time in 4 months and twelve days
Yo! What up man! I love you nigga dog monkey!
When you fuck your über driver in front of your dog
I gave her the ollllll Cincinnati hot dog and woody was shaking
oh! she just put up 4 fingers w the dog fliter
Bright reddy brown dog turds with an orange/yellow center, similar to an onion bahjee.
He realised to his horror he had stepped into a impressive pile of dog oogie.