A awesome friend who is a Savage like log pollen she will beat your ass don't mess with her she will get. Ligma tattooed on her wrist
Ayy Mia the lit one
A couple of besties who roll around in mud sometimes when they feel excited
Hey, do you know what these kids are doing?
Oh, they are just Maria and Mia-ing. They are perfectly fine, i guess.
Mia Manipulator is a person who manipulates others.
Sandra: You should totally go and rob that state bank.
Cathy: OMG NO I WILL NOT U R SUCH A Mia Manipulator OMG!!!
Email from Mia is an item that appears in the video game Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. The item is entirely useless. This prompting the joke of saying it can do anything. Sort of like an uno reverse card.
What's that, I just got a divorce. Hold up, lemme use the EMAIL FROM MIA.
A crazy giro,who can make u laugh shes so pretty.she can make u smile when u are sad.so be thankful if u know mía u should date her.
Mia avacodo is a beautiful girl who can make anyone happy.
she is extremely pretty and confident. she loves her horse and has a sister who is always in trouble but still loves her. her best friend's name is Emily. she is always there for her. even though they are always on probation, that doesn't stop them. she is heartbroken this moment and thinks he's dead. she loves him so much its crazy. but his ex just broke up with him. shes afraid if they date every time he looks at her, he'll miss his ex. but that doesn't stop her. overall, shes an amazing girl. you're lucky if you have her.
"look at her! shes amazing. you never know what that mia martin is thinking and feeling."
"mia and emily put each other on probation again" "doesn't surprise me!"
A mia’s bf is possibly one of the most caring creatures. He spoils her, and goes above and beyond any normal bf. He likes staring into her eyes and playing with her hair. He likes the way she smells and the way she sleeps. He is the most perfect bf in the world.
mia- “bf would you get me some chocolate”
mia’s bf- “as you wish”
mia- “bf would you rub my feet”
mia’s bf- “as you wish”