one of the worlds greatest hackers
also known as Hellfreeze
Company "omg we got haxxor'd by Fusion X"
Boss "oh noes was it backed up?"
Company "yes but he hacked our filing cabinet too!"
28👍 40👎
Group of people born in the 60s and 70s classified as lacking morals, respect, and a cause. A reactive generation generally viewed negatively by older generations. This generation has been shown to make up to 12% less than their fathers comparatively in 1974, halting the historical trend.
All the Generation Xers that I work with are broke and their parents do not understand why.
27👍 36👎
An operating system that jackass ub3r-1337 wind0ze zealots love to hate becuase they can't run all of their awesome games on it. Because, you know, Operating Systems are specifically designed for some toolbox to jerkoff to the latest expansion of Half-Life 2 (which actually does run under OS X with crossover). Nevermind that Vista is the biggest pile of shit to ever come out of the ass of MS, teh sidebar iz teh bestxx00rs!
People that run OS X tend to have a bit of pride in their selection because they were probably like the asshats described above until they actually wanted to improve their computing experience. You will find that mac users are more vocal about their OS selection because they actually have a working brain in their heads, unlike the fucktards that play video games all day long and jerk off to pictures of Richard Simmons while their mom does their laundry and makes them dinner.
ub3r_wind0ze_us3r: My core2duo is awesome!!!111
Mac User: Yeah, my dual-quadcore core2duo Mac Pro is also pretty sweet.
ub3r_wind0ze_us3r: Wha?! How much framerate you g3t on that beast?!
Mac User: I don't game, I actually write software for <insert meaningful purpose here> in OS X.
ub3r_wind0ze_us3r: f4g. m4c are teh suck an j00 know it.
Mac User: .... *sigh* Idiot.
ub3r_wind0ze_us3r: my sw33t game-hacking program doens't work in dat crappy OS. Apple ar3 fagzzz.
122👍 213👎
One of the worst OS's in the market. The OS Has limited capabilities, and limited 3rd party software compared to it's advesaries.
It's fairly obvious that they are suffering, why else would they now allow Windows to be installed on a Mac? Because Windows is more functional than OS X and people know that.
Finally, the makers of OS X, Apple, is an attempt at a monopoly over you once you buy their product. Mac this, iPoo that, with other OS's, you can get choose from a multitude of 3rd party addons or software that OS X can't compare to.
Most people complain about Other OS's problems, however these are usually because of carelessness and things THEY downloaded. When OS X crashes, it crashes.
Person A: "My Windows PC keeps crashing, why?"
Person B: "Because you got a virus. It' called W32.whatever."
Person A: "My Mac keeps crashing, why?"
Person B: "Because you got a virus. It's called OS X"
170👍 307👎
The kind of label Gen Xers are supposed to reject.
Some folks who grew up during the eighties, survived, surprisingly, even Wham!, and who at least initially weren't quite as thrilled at the prospect of becoming wage slaves and didn't dream quite as much of a life in the 'burbs as they had been expected to.
In reality nothing close to a majority of a whole generation or even age cohort ever had any resemblance to the stereotype. Wham! still sold a lot of records. Then came underwear with ostentatiously displayed brand name, and heroin chic in tow, so pervading a trend it's not necessary to mention the name of the brand and effects of the anorexic plague are still with us. So much for “generation”, “market savvy”, “anti-consumerist” and "anti-materialistic" at least as far as a whole generation is concerned.
Oh man, that Generation X rubbish again...
31👍 46👎
Rapper from south africa that's linked with Ayype, a fye producer
He met a fye producer he thinks he Techno X