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Dominate vagina

A woman that feels superior over other women, specifically, in a leadership role or role of authority.

I put up the office holiday decorations and my boss came marching out telling me she didn't like the colors. Why does she give me a task, but then act like a dominate vagina and make all the calls. She can do the damn task herself.

by Bpickett78 January 16, 2019

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Dominic Monaghan

A strangely gorgeous Brit with a crazy fun sense of humor and a NICE body. Formerly hung out with an old lady and solved mysteries (see Hetty Wainthropp). Merry in The Lord of the Rings movies, Geoffrey Shawcross in Hetty. Going to star in An Insomniac's Nightmare, appear in Shooting Livien, Spivs, and The Purifiers. Yay! He's so pretty...
Especially funny when paired with Billy Boyd.

They had become internal...they had to be coaxed out

by kerplunkymunky March 3, 2004

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Dominic and Rachel

One of the cutest and most wonderful couple there ever was.
They are always honest with each other which is their worst trait, but everything always works out between them. They will do what ever it takes to protect one another. They are the couple who always attract each other when they dont want to ammit it and when they want to they will have a very hard time trying to. Complete opposite beings they also have similarities. This Gemini and Capricorn couple will be together in the end after the hard and bad times no matter what. <3

"Dude do you see that couple over there?"
"Oh ya. They broke up for the longest time and even though Dominic and Rachel was flirting with other people, it's so obvious that the chemistry was going on still."
"I know right! Damn they need to get back together again. When they aren't together, my girl is worried because Rach is always depressed from thinking of Dom. And I'm getting cranky cus i know that's exactly what's happening with Dom."
"Naa dude, they'll end up together again. Just like the last 15 times. Don't worry bro."

by Friend:2 November 8, 2011

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Asserting Dominance

When you take your friend's burrito and eat it and not letting him have it back at any cost.

Teo died attempting asserting dominance, but failed leaving his friend with a tasty burrito.

by EpicMangoWafflez May 4, 2016

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Dominics Halloween

Referring to women who are above the age of 18 Ladies If you know a dominic you must have sex with him on the night of Halloween until he cums and you have to have some type of costume or come with slides or sandals on

I thought they were throwing a party at dominicโ€™s house hell nah it was a-whole bunch a bitches waiting to fuck dominic they called it dominics Halloween

Well trick or fucking treat huh haha

by Sexy Texan 2000 January 1, 2022

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Dominic Cummings

Used as a verb to describe breaking UK lockdown down rules within the covid-19 pandemic. Or used to describe traveling or trivial activities that against the UK's Covid-19 strategy guidelines.

I did a bit of a Dominic Cummings to go see my nan....

Can I do a Dominic Cummings and come round for a tea, mate?

by AMT1997 June 14, 2020

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world domination

An event where one person, or perhaps even a group of people, have absolute control of the entire planet.

Usually a basic goal of the main evil character in a kid's action cartoon.

Something everybody wants.

"Everybody wants to rule the world"
-that one song

by Dave January 7, 2005

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