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The desperate, reactionary act of attempting to exclude yourself from a time-based crisis using mathematics in a social setting.

Dude, Stacy told me she was pregnant yesterday. I just stared right through her while sweat-mathing.

by Alkaiser September 9, 2010

Math Says No

Commonly used by those withing the "nerd" world, math says no when one is attempting to do something that is mathematically impossible.

Try putting a pop can in a pill bottle, without modifying the pop can, math says no.

by sdmented June 27, 2009

maths on monday

something that will give you a stroke.

Maths on Mondays gives me an epileptic seizure. yay!!!!!

by mr electric is god March 20, 2022

Math Finance

A science subject that manufactures mathemagicians, mathematragicians, or mathemblers.

i.e: Aaron: Think before you bet, Eric!

Eric: trust me partner, I am a professional Mathembler.

Aaron: like STD?

Eric: You wish! It stands for "Mathematical Gambler".

Aaron: See you in Math Finance class.

by cod1008 November 17, 2010

The Geography of Math

When the mathematical proficiency or quantitative literacy of a country is linked to the location where its math curriculum was formulated—for example, both developed and developing countries that have adopted the Singapore math curriculum, or adapted part of it, have generally performed better than those that are reluctant to take the risks.

Just as the color of the cat doesn’t matter as long as it catches the mouse, so the geography of math shouldn’t be a big concern for parents and politicians if the local or foreign math curriculum could produce a quantitatively literate or numerate citizentry.

by MathPlus April 29, 2021

73👍 118👎

Quick math

A sarcastic remark to an obvious statement, usually associated with mathematical applications.

Brandon: We have seven people in our group.

Cody: Oh yes, Brandon with the quick math.

by aballinwhitey December 21, 2010

26👍 38👎

Quick Math

A sequence of events that take place in order to determine a greater variable. A set of equations that alow for someone to determine if they are going to have a “good” night.

“Is tonight a quick math night?”
“I’m not sure...pull out your 50 ergo curved custom calculator and let’s find out. But hurry...it’s almost 10 Alcock

by 123 quick maths January 23, 2019

4👍 3👎