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aids on a bagel

Not to be confused with Aids Bagels; acquiring a homosexual disease via non-homosexual method i.e. sex with a woman infected with said disease, being born with said disease, or changing oil ;-). The origin of putting in the term "bagel" was lost sometime late in the summer of 2008

Would you like your Aids on a 8 inch sausage?

no thank you, I prefer my aids on a bagel

by Burt R. February 4, 2009

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Kool Aid

A fruity beverage most commonly used to bait niggers.

Me- Dude , set that Kool Aid trap up so we can catch this coon.

Bill- Im on it

by The cool cock July 26, 2011

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super aids

Super aids is like aids, but then worse

omg, i have super aids, i will die in 3 hours!

by inf1nity May 14, 2008

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Bored to AIDS

Being bored to the point that continuing on would be almost as torturous as having AIDS.

Bob: And then the electrons and bullshitA combine with moles and hydrate equations to form bullshitAB...

Kevin: This guy is so fucking boring.

Jay: I know, I'm bored to AIDS, nigga, fuck.

by Like a Dozen April 13, 2011

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kool aid

a dirty ghetto sugar water mix

kool aid in the ghetto is a normal juice

by blackguy805 March 30, 2010

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AIDS Night

A night in which a bunch of footballing lads get together play playstation, drink brazilian beer, laugh and spread aids amongst each other.
The first ever attendee's of AIDS Night I was by K Kelly, A Jones, S Wildman, C Meadway, J Nicholson, S Gough

There was sequel a few months later which was based at the Wildman house hold named AIDS Night II: The Second Cumming
This was less of a success due to the distraction of sleep and Mighty Boosh

"lets go get aids round kierans at aids night"

by Kieran Kelly August 21, 2007

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AIDS needle

something you step on that gives you AIDS

the jersey shore has lots of AIDS needles

by yoJERraps! January 22, 2007

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