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Waste of air

Waste of air is someone who nobody like and is considered to be of no value to society

Gaby is a waste of air

by user1969420 October 31, 2019

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Ass Air

Airline, originating from Amsterdam, Holland. The planes tend to smell like someone's bum.

I went to Greece and I flew with Ass Air, but I'm never doing that shit again...

by Jan-Peter Balkenende July 14, 2005

34πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

Air Force

The most kickass branch of military in the known universe.

1) Often the subject of ridicule by jealous a Soldiers, Sailors, and especially the Marines who were so dumb that they got a waiver on the ASVAB, and were subsequently rejected for enlistment in the Air Force.

2) Most personnel in the other branches will tell you that the Air Force is the least martial of the other branches while we have actually won the last few wars singlehandedly, and were the actual reason the Iraqis didn't take to the skies the second time around.

They will also tell you that we only send officers to combat, when there are plenty of enlisted airmen out there as well...

3) Shits on the army in every way possible.

4)the only branch capable of destroying the world several times over.

5)Stop hating on the Coast Guard as well.

I wish i would have joined the Air Force instead of the (insert any branch here)

by Proud Airman July 19, 2009

104πŸ‘ 133πŸ‘Ž

Margin of Air

When you have to write a paper but have very little to say, so you pad the final copy by installing ridiculously wide margins that make your meager text spill over to a larger number of pages.

Dude 1: What am I gonna do!?! I'm supposed to have six pages by three o'clock for this forestry paper I'm writing, but all's I can manage is two and a half, man.

Dude 2: Did you Courier New it like I taught ya?

Dude 1: 'Course. I'm not a complete fool, though I did forget to consider the Margin of Air - that always works!

by yarnspinnererer March 27, 2011

10πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

air head

Someone who is really dum. Not a lot goes on in an air head's head. They are unaware of anything but themselves.

Sarah Palin, Paris Hilton, George W. Bush and Justin Beiber are examples of an air head.

by oje inmre January 17, 2010

10πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

air pudding

Term generally denotes a lack of anything happening or something being woefully sub-standard.

Heather’s party was ridiculous, man. She didn’t invite anybody till the last minute, she told people it was BYOB, all she had was chips and dip and the stereo was broken. 100% air pudding, dude…

by exitflagger May 6, 2008

18πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Air Brush

To fart in someone's face while bare-ass, there by "air brushing" them with shit particles.

Dude, I totally air brushed John's face last night! He coughed and has little bits of shit on his lips!

by EHood January 25, 2011

16πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž