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Jb Ah Build

Jb ah build refers to someone who is fat, morbidly obese, usually between 250-450kg, Jb ah build can also refer to someone who is large and has a cute sister, Jb ah build is usually defined as someone who has a big build especially around the belly.

That kid is fat as heck
“That kids got a jb ah build

by jbfatahfuck January 4, 2024


Naf and a half

(this is mainly used when texting) jimmy: "did u see jack today in gym?" dan:"ya that kids a total n&ah"

by mkh23456789 August 28, 2010

Ah! Böwakawa poussé, poussé

John Lennon's amazing cult

Omg! Are you in the Ah! Böwakawa poussé, poussé cult? We worship The Beatles!"

by thebiggestbeatlesfan November 8, 2022