The day the Minsung song "Want so BAD" was created
4 August: I'll give you an armful of cosmos flowers
Love you, I wanna place myself in a spot next to you
National use a cheesy pick up line day
“Hey girl you so hot you make the devil sweat”
“That was awful”
“Well it is August 5th”
The alternative timeline when Kellyanne Conway left the White House in Alternative August to take care of her children.
Promising "less drama, more mama" as she focused on her children and not the daycare where she was employed.
In a statement, Mrs Conway, 53, said she was stepping down at the end of Alternative August to focus on her children, giving them "less drama, more mama".
The birthday of my bestie and my other half even though it is confused to be august 31
Nasly: what day is it ? August 30 !!! The besties birthday . I love you
Jocelyn: shut up ugly !!
National FaceTime your girlfriend day because she misses you
“It’s august 30th!”
“Oh well we should probably FaceTime!”
August 30 is national ANI day! Specifically in 2005 an ugly rat named ani was born🙂
“ayo what day is august 30”
“it’s national ani day bro”
National Date Your Ex For 24 Hours Day
its august 11 lets date for 24 hours