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Soft girl era

An era in which a female chooses to only have kind, loving, gentle and supportive people in her life. It is a time where she makes an effort to live in peace, happiness, and calmness.

I am in my soft girl era

by Lorenlolly June 13, 2023

67๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Soft Brake Check

The act of hitting the brake pedal lightly so that the brake lights come on although there's no brake action.

Usually used to get tailgaters to chill out.

That asshole was tailgating me so I gave him a soft brake check to get him to stop being an impatient idiot and let me finish my overtake.

by Dumonster June 25, 2014

Suck me soft

When you are getting head and she sucks you so long your penis isn't hard anymore

Julie gave me head for so long, she suck me soft, bruh.

by Sup fam April 23, 2015

15๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Soft girl szn

A spring time apparel style. These girls also must be softies not e-girls allowed!!

I cant wait for soft girl szn to see what everyone dresses like!

by Laurtuc April 14, 2019

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soft visual kei

Soft visual kei is a vaguely defined sub-genre of visual kei (a type of Japanese music). Instead of elaborate costumes, the bands wear clothing "off the rack" and have simple, natural makeup. It is what people tend to think of when they think of mainstream or major visual kei, but it is very different from typical visual kei. The most important aspect of the music is the melody. The style pretty much died around the year 2000, when visual went back to having an independent focus. Sometimes shortened to "Sofubi."

Bands include Siam Shade, Glay, Sophia, Janne Da Arc. Contrasts with kote kei.

Calling "soft visual kei" bands a form of "visual kei" seems to be a marketing move more than anything; they don't have the same dark focus or elaborate costumes of other bands.

by Mahiro October 21, 2007

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soft core porn

Pornographic material that shows everything excluding insertion or penetration.

Jenny stars in soft core porn movies.

by BabyD June 20, 2006

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Talking Out Soft

The opposite of talking out loud.
To whisper.

We were talking out soft but couldn't really hear what each other was saying.

by Wilshire Bethel November 11, 2008

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