Adj: a word used to describe a member of the opposite sex who spills, INADVERTENTLY OR OTHERWISE, their drink upon the DJ laptop at a party that has swagged-out music.
1. Hey man, that young lady just spilled her drink all over the DJ laptop!
2. Umm, bro, that's not a young lady...that's a bitch. You NEVER dance and shit up by the DJ booth.
1. I guess.
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An acronym meaning the following:
Damn, look at the ass on that bitch!
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Something you say it the end of your sentence to instantly make it funny, and just kinda roast on whoever you might be talking to. A sentence is so much more satisfying with a resounding BITCH thrown on the end
"Hey guys, wutsup? Where you headed?"
"We're goin to 7-11 to pick up some slurpees, BITCH!"
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1. a girl/ woman/ teen girl who is in control of her life, and does not fear any thing, acts the way she wants and is always confidnet therefore others call her a bitch.
2. the other kind of bitch is a whiney good for nothing trash talker who wish they could be like number one^^^^^^
(1)i stole that bitches man.
(2)that bitch stole my man.
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Person who sleeps with everyone but you.
Sarah slept with Todd and Joey, but that bitch won't sleep with me.
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