Source Code

John O Connor

A sexy, hunky beast of a man. A truly gorgeous sight. So hot he’ll make you sweat at the thought of his gargantuan biceps.

Emily: Did you see John O Connor?
Eric: OMG Yasss he was so hot!!!

by Ilikemennoidont January 3, 2022

National a Connor/Conner

this day is october 15th. do you know a connor/connor? give him a kiss

today is National a Connor/Conner day!! have fun

by enchanted kingdom October 15, 2019

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Connor/Effie Special

To promise a friend for weeks or months at a time that you will take them to Dairy Queen for lunch, then to bail at every given opportunity.

Troy: Are we going to Dairy Queen next week?
Connor: I can't, I'm dead
Kale: Woah you just got served the Connor/Effie Special

by Survivor_Russell February 20, 2010

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Pimp master connor

An irresistible 18 year old guy who gets pussy all the time non stop and probably for the rest of his life no matter how he treats his women.

Dude 1: Man i just saw Pimp master connor slap a ho in the face then pistol whip her and then cuss her out."

Dude 2: Yea but he'll be fuckin her later for sho.

by CONNOR GIFFORD February 28, 2008

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Connor Glenn Wilson

The scientific name for the inside of a 50 year old black hookers asshole, often filled with puss and other horrendous bodily fluids which smells like the rotting remains of a baby elephant. Sometimes it craves the taste a dead fetuses and pizza, and worst of all its a chargers fan.

Rampage Jackson and Albert Haynesworth just double-teamed that Connor Glenn Wilson!


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connor james wallace

he loves a bj and will squirt all over your face until you look like a pie . i love anal and i am up for any sex positions i have a large cock and it produces lots and lots and lots of squirtng

connor james wallace loves to squirt on your fanny

by sghasdasbhascby sds February 23, 2018

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Lydia O Connor

A big smelly whore who goes out to a new boy everyday she’s a twig cause all the drugs she does the crackhead and was left at home cause her parents don’t love her

Lydia are you coming out

Her- No I already went out to u cause I’m a whore
Lydia O Connor is a whore but funny

by LydiaOConnorHatePage January 2, 2022

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