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Cup Pong

A mini game in the Game Pidgeon app where you basically just play a shittier version of beer pong

Samuel Bestwick: fuck I lost in 8 ball let’s play cup pong
Straight male: ok sure

by Big_dong69420 January 27, 2021

Cup of fail

Normally referred to a single individual, however, it can be directed to a group as well. It is often used when someone or a group of people are epically struggling at something and/or losing.

"Wow, the green team is getting owned by the yellow team."

"I guess it's time to brew a cup of fail for the Green Team".

by Darkmouther October 20, 2009

sniff cup

Fart in your hand and cover someone's nose

Mike: Do you want a Sniff Cup?
Jesse: Sure dude
Mike: farts in his hand and covers Jesse's nose with his hand.
Jesse: OMG gross dude 🤢

by whitemamatotator May 25, 2022

Darty Cup

A darty cup is a cup you carry around at a darty. The cup can contain alcoholic beverages for fun, or water for hydration.

Aka as darty bottle.

Anthony: Sarah, can you grab my darty cup?
Sarah: You should never set your darty cup down!

by Gdubs June 7, 2018

Pimp cup

The act of pouring liquid into someone's gaping asshole, then drinking sed liquid with a crazy straw out of the aforementioned asshole.

Ash wants to pimp cup Jaques, she wants to drink chocolate milk out of his asshole.

by Dragondaddy26 February 19, 2023

paper cups

Corporate trickery akin to a magician's cup and ball game. The actions of corporate to disguise and manipulate financial records, and limit liability.

The CFO spent their day playing with paper cups.

by Buffalafagus August 26, 2019

yolo cup

A standard issue plastic party cup with which one YOLOs.

Dawg, bring a pack of them YOLO cup jawns.

by johnny's bananas January 29, 2015