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Danked out

When you light up with your bros and you get high af on the computer

Woah man this computer gots me danked out

by Dankmeme696969696969696969 February 1, 2017

Dank bird

A very good lookin woman who likes being popular and has biiiiiiig ass

Ooh! Look at that dank bird over there! Ass

by The east gamers August 20, 2020

purple dank

Bomb-ass weed from some mysterious country (perhaps jamaica?) that will knock you flat on your ass. It's said that only the biggest pot-heads are worthy to smoke it, and only the richest mutha-fuckas can afford it.

Charlie- Hey Coker, what weed you sellin'?

Coker- I got that purple dank.

Charlie- Damn son! You 'bout to make a dime! Can you cut a brother a deal?

Coker- Fuck you! I's tryin to run a business!

by coke-head November 27, 2008

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dank fajita

a huge blunt of weed, often bigger than one's dick

I'm gonna go home and smoke that dank fajita I rolled earlier.

by Chimp564 July 5, 2017

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skanke danke

Any girl with scummy hygiene or dirty habits

Wash your hands after you've used the bathroom, skanke danke.

by Monicer October 21, 2004

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dank stank

When the inside of your place or ride smells like some sweet, stinky bud. This is why you always have air freshner.

"Damn dude, you got some dank stank going on in here!"

by "Big C" June 12, 2008

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dank cheese

Dank Cheese is the rarest of cheeses.

This is some dank cheese fam!

by Shartmaster June 7, 2016

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