When you exclude someone from your friend group because they are an asshole to everyone, thus making them a nobody at the school.
Jaxon: You suck at everything you do
Maliak: You are going to get drewwed
He's a hot guy usually blond. He's a serious athlete and a pretty decent student. He has a really big dick and has nice abs. He dreams about having kids with his gf or crush all the time. He's totally adorable!!!
He's such a drew evans!!!!
Hes the best bo3, bo4 & bo6 Player To Ever Touch The Game. He Has The Biggest Most Massive Ego Compared To Everyone
Dude, have you heard of Drew Beams?
Yeah He Has The Biggest Ego & Could Beat Anybody On Cod
Isn't this the guy who got the record for Bowser's Big Bean Burrito?
Wow, it's the roadwork sign guy, Drew Gooden!
The funniest n-word I have ever met. Also has the largest cock on the planet. Great 6 pack. Can drink like a machine. Carry’s that 9 on him at all times
Whose dat beast.
Oh that’s Drew Garrison
The act of poorly framing, cropping, and/or timing a camera shot, usually while railfanning.
"Dammit! I Drewed the shot again!