Source Code

Salad Fingers

Mr. Salad Fingers is a precious lover of rusty spoons. He enjoys the pleasures of Nettles, yes, he enjoys them very much sir. Mr. Fingers likes to indulge in the delicacies that are his puppet mates. There will be fog on the shore tonight. Bossum. "I.. I like it when the red water comes out..." --Mr. Salad Fingers. Some may call him distuuurrbed: but I love him. Love, Kate Stewart Baxter.

"But first, let me carress this rusty kettle..." says Salad fingers mightily. Do it with thy might, please.

by Kate Stewart Baxter Astrove September 23, 2005

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finger bang

finger fucking a pussy

by Harry Johnson June 11, 2003

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Extreme Fingering

The act of fingering vigorously hard until the finish. It often involves using four fingers extremely faster than usual. It is often referred to as "eXXXtreme fingering".

"Dude, you hear what he did to Christelle!"
"Fuck yeah man, there was some eXXXtreme fingering going on there!
"Man, Extreme Fingering can be an arm killer!"

by RvBlarg May 3, 2009

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finger muffing

giving your friend a sneak attack with your index and middle finger up his bum hole

luke likes when it is finger muffing time

Jake: ah shit he just fingermuffed my asshole

Luke: Oh ya i did smell my fingers

by perry for president October 21, 2009

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toddler fingers

1. fingers of a person of any age that are constantly covered in saliva from their mouth and they never wash their fingers other than with their own spit

"did you see that kid's fingers"

"yea, they are total toddler fingers"

"ya, he better keep his toddler fingers away from my junk"

by toddlerlovin May 23, 2007

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Finger of Doom

To unexpectidly ram your finger into anothers asshole whilst shouting "Finger of Doom" This is best done to a partner that you no long wish to be intimate with, or date.

Partner: I dont think we should see each other anymore
You: "Finger of Doom"
Partner: *Painfilled expression*

by Sam Lawless August 20, 2008

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Diarrhea of the fingers

When you type very fast and a lot. One who types long e-mails and messages has this condition. One who types your eyes off suffers from this.

I had Diarrhea of the fingers last night, I must have typed a Novella!

by Trent Kuver May 7, 2008

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