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Pickle Frost

Honkey ass white bread dude

That fool be pickle frosted. (couldnt be any whiter)

by Nervinitus February 24, 2024

frosted orange

After one gets a spray tan they get a facial immediately afterwards turning their skin into a frosted orange motif.

After she went to salon the only thing that could cool her down was a frosted orange.

by zomBmoon May 16, 2023

Frosted sugar cookies

A soft yet dry cookie with frosting on top of it. Some love it and some hate it. There is no in between to this cookie, I've never seen a cookie fanbase have such a war between this treat.

Guy1: Hey I love these frosted sugar cookies!
Guy2: Ew! Those are so dry and too sweet!
Guy1: Go hang yourself.

by Squashybead2217 February 21, 2024

Robert Frost it

to discontinue a pleasant activity or or leave an entertaining event prematurely due to prior engagements or commitments

"Hey man, this party is really picking up."
"I know, but I promised my friend I'd go party at his place. I'm gonna Robert Frost it."

by Ra$PutiN December 30, 2011

Lap frosting

Another word for fasting

She be lap frosting all through april

by Lap froster April 12, 2017

Cake with frosting

Its when you ejaculate on a womans buttocks and slather the seminal fluids across the buttocks and start biting at her buttocks and proceed to shout "I'm eating cake with frosting!"

John: Hey did you hear what paul did the other night?

Chris: Yeah! I heard he had some cake with frosting since the wife allowed it!

John: Man, I'm jealous!

Chris:Yeah, me too.

by Paul Stoneson May 5, 2022

Frosted Brownie

When she’s passed out and you ejaculate into her butt checks and wipe your dick in between

I woke up, took a shit and realized Jimbo gave me a frosted brownie

by GAYOMI December 18, 2022