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horse shoe

when someone takes a fresh tin of chew and finishes it all in 5 dips.

I knew a kid once who could do a horse shoe like it was his job

by holi64 July 11, 2008

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iron horse

An elderly person who is quite strong and hardy for his/her age.

My neighbor is an 81-year-old iron horse who mows his lawn and carries heavy loads up and down the stairs.

by iViking April 29, 2010

20πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

horse apple

One of those strange, green, spiny fruits that only horses eat.

- What the hell is this green spiky thing?
- Oh, that's just a horse apple

by Juice Jones November 30, 2006

64πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž

plop on the horse

Meaning "to leave," usually used at the end of a conversation. Originates in the idea of "plopping down" on a horse in order to ride back to one's home. "Down" is usually eliminated, although on occasion it is heard.

Joe: ...and then Barb told me that the bricks had been there the whole time.
Jim: Interesting. Well, it's getting pretty late--it's probably time for me to plop on the horse.
Joe: All right, see you later.
Jim: Yup, goodbye.

by Barock August 23, 2004

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horse sperm

Why did you even search this you sick bastard,
Horse sperm is well... horse sperm, there's not really anything much to it.
That really was a waste of time wasn't it? Why did you even... I don't understand why you would do that, I mean, at least you haven't looked on google images or anything... right?

You: Hueheuheu lets search up horse sperm on the urban dictionary!
YourMumWhenSheLooksAtYourSearchHistory: Adoption.

by AsianButLickJewHue November 16, 2015

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

horses in the bag

A mock of β€œhorses in the back” by Lil Nas X, as it’s completely impossible to tell whether he’s saying bag or back.

β€œI will... ride till I can’t no more I got the horses in the bag, they just ate a flag”

by Matestreymy May 16, 2019

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Pucker Horse

This marvel is a merely an unfortunate person who has gums like a horse because his/her teeth are visible only subtly, while the gums look ample and luxurious. Although pucker horses are uncommon, you can spot them as soon as they smile.

She's definitely a pucker horse with that dreadful smile!

by Beebs83 October 7, 2008

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