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jump his bones

To do the deed
To have sex

Girl! You should jump his bones

by Ualover April 18, 2016

40πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Chip on his Shoulder

This has gotten lost in all the false meanings. A chip on his shoulder comes from the days when there was a formal declaration for a fight, punch-up etc. When a person disagreed strongly with someone over a personal belief, they would place a chip of wood on their shoulder and dare the other to knock it off. Once the other person did this signaled the beginning of the fight and thus punches were thrown. Examples of this can be seen in old British movies circa 1930-1950's.

We use this idiom to say that someone has a deeply held feeling or conviction about something (whether it annoys them or that they won't listen to any other opinion about it) and thus if you disagree then they will vehemently challenge you.

He has a real chip on his shoulder about his size, I had a chip on my shoulder about immigrants until I moved to another country.

by Speakada Lingo September 21, 2015

577πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž

Hi Vincent Hi Miller Story

when someone tells you a pointless stupid story that has no importance or relevance to what you were talking about.

Jacquie-"This one time, i saw this guy and he said hi to me."

Dan-"Wow that was a great Hi Vincent Hi Miller story."

by shangstaT February 24, 2008

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

gargle his marbles

A slang phrase, used by a woman (or a homosexual man ...) to destcribe sucking a person's testicles - gargling is the action and marbles are testicles. Also known as a blowjob, oral sex, and the list goes on.

Woman: I'd like to gargle his marbles!

by Marblegargler October 14, 2007

20πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Shit in his urinal

Used to show when someone is pissed or having a bad day; pointing out when this has occured.

Damn, Josh has been acting like a real asshole today.

I know, I wonder who shit in his urinal.

by Aesios October 31, 2009

arse in his hand

To be in a bad mood, to be pissed off about something.

"He's back! - and this time he's got his arse in his hand" - advertising poster for Terminator 3.

by Gulpnu August 16, 2012

36πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Forgot His Sunglasses

When a man obviously stares at a woman’s breasts while talking to her. Happens when a person is usually wearing sunglasses, where they can stare unnoticed, then takes them off.

"You believe that frado who was talking to me? He was staring at my chest the whole time."
"Yeah, that freak forgot his sunglasses."

by PlutoRoman October 23, 2009

18πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž