Source Code

U.S.S. Juan Valdez

The infamous cargo-carrier that ran aground (due to Captain Joseph Hazlenut's having downed one too many cups of joe) in Alaska and spilled thousands of pounds of Colombian coffee into the bay, giving the surrounding wildlife a major case of the caffeine-jitters and thus causing them to behave really weird for weeks afterwards. The fiasco caused a major "media-buzz", as well.

After the U.S.S. Juan Valdez accident, coffee-transporting cargo-vessels were required to pack their coffee in separate thick-walled metal shipping-containers rather than just bulk-filling their holds with the dry product, to reduce the chance of the coffee's just spilling right out into the ocean if the ship's hull is breached.

by QuacksO August 5, 2018

Juan & Lee

Some flibbers who eat all my corn and chicken


by James go away March 2, 2020

Don San Juan

A young black youtuber from Jersey

“Yo cuhz yu seen that new Don San Juan video?? bro was on omegle going crazy”.

by scamorgetscammed May 24, 2022

Don San Juan

A lit young black youtuber from Jersey

“yo did you see the new Don San Juan video?? bro was on omegle pulling milfs”.

by scamorgetscammed May 24, 2022

Don Juan

A character from the play Don Juan Tenorio. A villain. A bastard. We hope he burns in hell. He made my eighth-to-freshman year hell with that stupid book, and then we spent TWO MONTHS learning about him. (He doesn't deserve Doña Inés.)

You know, I really would have enjoyed the book more if Don Juan was pulled down to hell at the end.

by Vivitur-Moritur November 29, 2023

juan inch long

When you have a small weiner and your name is Juan.

He's Juan inch long.

by Pizzacableguy November 19, 2016

Juan Paul Vlog

That guy Juan paul got into the ring with Bloyd Mayweather!

YO! Triple-to-the-O! You caught dat new Juan Paul Vlog?!

by Deep Vein Thrombosis April 13, 2023