Source Code

Lukas Wasted

Instead of saying to "slime someone out" you say you will "Lukas Waste him" or "Leave him Lukas Wasted"

"Let's go Lukas Waste the opps", "We left the opps Lukas Wasted"

by Real Esa March 1, 2025

Amani and Luka

OMG they're so cute together. At first Amani was head over heels for Luka but after some time passed she started to fall in love with someone else. But then Luka realised his feelings for Amani and confessed and still does almost every day with roses 🌹 but she tries to gently reject him because she doesn't want to hurt his feelings but has moved on. She always says "he's just a friend" but she knows that she's in love with him. They're SO CUTEEEE AHHH. Literally soulmates and are perfect for eachother!!

Person 1: Oh they're such a cute couple.

Person 2: Who?

Person 1: Amani and Luka of course!

by Frfr, only speaks fax May 3, 2023

Lukas Lenc je borec

Can be used as an arument to any statement, usually when Lukáš Lenc himself drops anything stupid to the chat. Usable when u dont know what to say as well. Comes as a picture of eda schubert with a caption "lukas lenc je borec".

Lukáš Lenc: Co je dnes za domácí úkol? The boys: lukas lenc je borec
Lukáš Lenc: *literally anything*. The boys: lukas lenc je borec

by Lukerex November 30, 2022

Lukas Rieger

Lukas Rieger in a german singer, he was born on 03.06.1999 and he has lots of fans called Lukinator.

He has a sister named Marie, which he loves very much. 2016 he realized his first album compass and he was going on an europe tour. This was amazing because he was only 17 !
Now he has a new single called side by side, you can pre oder it on itunes, amazon and google play.


He makes his fans everyday happy and helps whem, wherever he can. Lukas is such a friendly person who likes to sing.
He has lots of stuffles animals for example stupsi or bob

His dick is called Lumi and his manager is Marian.

Proud Lukinator !
@lukasstarboy ~Lara 💘

Lukas Rieger a german singer

by lukasstarboy March 26, 2017

lukas rieger

Lukas is one of the most beautiful persons in your life he's just amazing he always makes you laugh and you will never stop loving him bis voice is like a thing you can't get out of your head he's really special don't leave him he deserves every single Lukinator Outsider there and i hope you won't forget him for the rest of your life he is amazing

Lukas Rieger is an pop singer from germany.

He is such an cutie and a really nice boy.

You will love him believe me.

He follows his dreams and he will be your idol

by Girl1999 January 3, 2017

Lukas Rieger

He is the best man of the world
He makes his TeamRieger smile❤🌚💫
Follow my Insta: lukasriegermydct

Thank you

Lukas Rieger is the best

by youna.rieger December 29, 2016

lukas rieger

Lukas Rieger is the most handsome guy ever! He is an amazin singer, dancer and rapper. He was born on 3.6.1999 in Germany.

Wow he is a handsome guy, is his name Lukas Rieger?

Lisa: "He has an amazing voice!"
Stefani :"Such a Lukas Rieger"

by Kat-the-Cat1234 January 4, 2017