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Magic Closet

A closet where 2 people go in, and 3 people come out. Sometimes threesomes occur, and sometimes even more.

Steve: Hey Harold, did you see those ladies go into the magic closet just a second ago?
Harold: Yeah, lucky girl...

by ThatOneGuyThatJustShowsUp March 11, 2015

Magic potato

A potato filled with multiple samples of men cum

Man you ever wanna make a Magic Potato

by PsageY July 31, 2022

Magical Cracker

The respective counterpoint to the Magical Negro. A white character in TV or Film Media that solves all the problems of the people around them, using an unreasonably broad range of suspiciously advanced skills or just straight up magic. They are usually female, guardian-type characters with kind demeanours whom also present the constant low-level threat they might put you inside their handbag-porthole if you cross them - never to be seen again.

Julie Andrews is a two-time magical cracker actor.

by David Pakman's Onlyfans May 2, 2021

scuteru magic

Scuteru magic it's a special thing that nana floare use to catch hăndalaii that go to Martina

Scuteru magic for nana floare it's like micunealta secretă for Mickey Mouse

by Lelu6969 November 28, 2021

magic tallow

Using the fat rolls of an extremely obese person to masturbate, preferably using lard as lubricant

I took a ride on the magic tallow last night.

by conman2305 January 23, 2016

Magic Hold

Used in call centers as the all problem solver that works sometimes but only sometimes and that is where the magic is.

Person 1 - "So I placed the customer on hold and when I came back the customer had solved the issue! "
Person 2 - "That's the magic hold!"

by skibiribap November 16, 2020

Magical Plants

Magical Plants are what you put in your bong to get baked as fuck. You call them magical plants so if your parents over here you, you can pretend that your talking about Jack and the beanstalk. If your fucking retarded and haven't caught on magical plants are weed.

Bruh wanna smoke some magical plants and eat some chocolate lucky charms?

by Jstu April 15, 2018